UFC 154: Who’s on the Hot Seat?

I am never properly prepared for the cold in Montreal. That is to say, I apparently am not smart enough to remember to bring a jacket when I come up here to cover UFC events. And you’d think I’d learn my lesson, because this is my fourth trip to Montre…

I am never properly prepared for the cold in Montreal. That is to say, I apparently am not smart enough to remember to bring a jacket when I come up here to cover UFC events. And you’d think I’d learn my lesson, because this is my fourth trip to Montreal to cover fights (and Georges St-Pierre fights, more specifically). 

I had planned a nifty transition from “cold weather” into “fighters on the hot seat going into UFC 154” but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that whatever I had in mind is not actually going to work. So instead, I’ll just tell you that UFC 154 comes to you live from the Bell Centre in sometimes-beautiful Montreal on Saturday night, and it features two excellent welterweight fights that you don’t want to miss, plus a bunch of other fights that are probably skippable but may still turn out to be pretty exciting.

Let’s take a look at who is on the hot seat going into UFC 154. 

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