UFC on FOX 5 – BJ Penn vs. Rory MacDonald Prediction Infographic

With BJ Penn returning from a self-imposed retirement this weekend at UFC on FOX 5 against Tristar’s Rory MacDonald, our friends over at Fighters.com have put together an interesting, and entertaining, Infographic trying to predict the victor this Saturday in Seattle. Check out the statistics and factoids used to help predict a victor in this […]

With BJ Penn returning from a self-imposed retirement this weekend at UFC on FOX 5 against Tristar’s Rory MacDonald, our friends over at Fighters.com have put together an interesting, and entertaining, Infographic trying to predict the victor this Saturday in Seattle.

Check out the statistics and factoids used to help predict a victor in this heated welterweight matchup below

Rory MacDonald vs BJ Penn
Rory MacDonald vs BJ Penn – UFC on Fox 5