Video: Apparently Shane Carwin Hits Hard

If the fact that he has broken training partner’s facial bones with jabs, torn through expensive focus mitts with combinations and sent trainers running for icepacks after holding pads for him are any indication of Shane Carwin’s punching power, getting hit in the face by “The Engineer” might not be something Junior dos Santos should try when he heads to Vancouver next week. We’d recommend he try something less harmful to his health like a butter tart or a Moosehead lager or pale ale.

If the fact that he has broken training partner’s facial bones with jabs, torn through expensive focus mitts with combinations and sent trainers running for icepacks after holding pads for him are any indication of Shane Carwin’s punching power, getting hit in the face by “The Engineer” might not be something Junior dos Santos should try when he heads to Vancouver next week. We’d recommend he try something less harmful to his health like a butter tart or a Moosehead lager or pale ale.

In the latest instalment of Bud Light’s Camp Carwin series, the UFC heavyweight contender’s teammates and coaches recall stories that demonstrate how much force Shane hits with, including one about how they thought he had killed an opponent early on in his career.

Hopefully they keep making these videos for other fighters in the future.

Sorry Brock, you blew your shot with Bud Light.