[VIDEO] The Jon Jones Commercial That Aired During Last Weekend’s UFC on FX Event

It is a little known fact that Jon Jones has a stipulation in his UFC contract that forbids him from appearing in any form of promotional media without viciously assaulting someone whilst doing so. That child innocently swinging at the playground? He’s getting the boots put to him. That co-worker complaining about shorter lunches? He’s getting choked the fuck out. Mr. Jones’ newest commercial is no different, but thankfully, no helpless bystanders were injured this time. In fact, the ad is nothing more than a slow-mo recap of his recent win over former UFC Light Heavyweight Champ Lyoto Machida. And it couldn’t be any cooler.

It is a little known fact that Jon Jones has a stipulation in his UFC contract that forbids him from appearing in any form of promotional media without viciously assaulting someone whilst doing so. That child innocently swinging at the playground? He’s getting the boots put to him. That co-worker complaining about shorter lunches? He’s getting choked the fuck out. Mr. Jones’ newest commercial is no different, but thankfully, no helpless bystanders were injured this time. In fact, the ad is nothing more than a slow-mo recap of his recent win over former UFC Light Heavyweight Champ Lyoto Machida. And it couldn’t be any cooler.

How cool is Jones’ newest commercial, you ask? Well, it has opted to take the Cialis approach to advertising ie. leaving the audience completely in the dark as to what the hell it is actually trying to sell them, because ambiguity is truly for the elite. If not for the “4.21.12″ that flashes briefly at the end of the ad, which we recognize to be the date of his upcoming UFC 145 showdown with long time rival Rashad Evans, this commercial would simply come across as a minute-long hype video for the current champ, which he is clearly in desperate need of. I mean, let’s not look into the fact that the UFC 145 poster doesn’t feature Evans whatsoever, or any other fighters for that matter. Apparently the UFC’s marketing department doesn’t think “Suga” stands much of a chance, so the question is, do any of you?

-J. Jones