WBA Heavyweight Champion David Haye Thinks James Toney Is Delusional.

James Toney is set to make his Ocatagon debut as part of the co-main event of UFC 118 when he takes on Randy Couture and Toney has said that after taking out Couture he wants to knock out current WBA Heavyweight Champion David Haye. Haye, recently interviewed by Yahoo!Sports, had some interesting thoughts on […]

James Toney
James Toney is set to make his Ocatagon debut as part of the co-main event of UFC 118 when he takes on Randy Couture and Toney has said that after taking out Couture he wants to knock out current WBA Heavyweight Champion David Haye. Haye, recently interviewed by Yahoo!Sports, had some interesting thoughts on Toney’s debut MMA match:

“Six months of training isn’t going to be enough. As a UFC fan, I know two or three years wouldn’t be enough. How many times has Toney sprawled in his life? 500? How many leg kicks has he taken in his life? 300? How many Kimura attempts has he defended? 140? Even if he’s done double that amount, he wouldn’t have nearly the experience needed to win a UFC fight….And I hit a lot harder and I’m so much faster than James, and I couldn’t land a punch on fighters when all they wanted to do was take me down to the ground. James is a much more static fighter than I am, and is going to get thrown on his back immediately by Randy. I admire Toney’s spirit and boxing skills. But he’s delusional here.”

Haye, who says he has trained in mixed martial arts, seems pretty on the mark with his comments. Most MMA enthusiasts agree that Toney has a punchers chance of winning, but that if Couture takes the fight to ground expect it to end early. We still have some time to wait before we find out.