Shameless Plug: Join the Break Media Research Panel, Help Shape the Future of CagePotato

Because we love you — not in a weird way, but in a totally manly Cro Cop/Pat Barry bro-grab sort of way — we wanted to ask for your help. You guys have made us one of the biggest MMA destinations on the Internet, and over the next few mo…

Because we love you — not in a weird way, but in a totally manly Cro Cop/Pat Barry bro-grab sort of way — we wanted to ask for your help. You guys have made us one of the biggest MMA destinations on the Internet, and over the next few months we’re going to be doing some remodeling around here to give things a facelift. One of the ways we’d like to collect your thoughts and feedback is through the Break Media panel. As part of the panel, Break also does other surveys throughout the year about random stuff like what types of video games you play, booze you drink, movies you watch, etc., and they offer some pretty sweet prizes to participants; in the past it has been stuff like iPods and Apple TVs. You’ll also have the opportunity to build up rewards points for music downloads and Break Media swag, including CagePotato t-shirts. (Yep, no more of this needing to be clever b.s.) So in the words of Winston Wolf — pretty please with sugar on top, join the f*cking panel, and win some cool stuff. We owe you one.

Note: Registration takes about five minutes and you’ll be asked for some personal information, which is used to ensure you are who you say you are, and for the purpose of incentive fulfillment. You can check out the complete privacy policy here. If you have any problems with registration, let us know in the comments section.

Shameless Plug: Will Teach You How to Do Everything Better

(Sylvester Stallone reads Modern Man every day — right after his HGH injections. Seriously though, are you kidding me with those arm-veins? Thor was drawn more realistically.)
Attention! A new guy-centric website called has joined…

Sylvester Stallone arms veins photo pic
(Sylvester Stallone reads Modern Man every day — right after his HGH injections. Seriously though, are you kidding me with those arm-veins? Thor was drawn more realistically.)

Attention! A new guy-centric website called has joined the Break Media family, and we highly recommend you check it out. Described as "the online destination for guys who want to keep evolving," MM provides helpful advice on how to look and feel your best, how to talk to women so that they’ll agree to have sex with you, what to do after those women have agreed to have sex with you, what shiny new bullshit to squander your money on, and so much more. Check out a couple of their articles below, and follow Modern Man on Twitter and Facebook. Much appreciated.

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