UFC Live on Versus 4: 5 Things to Take Away

Seems like you should be able to predict the fight based on the shorts alone. PicProps: MMAJunkie

It happens everytime. You write off a UFC card as uninteresting and decide to paint along with Bob Ross (or whatever it is you do with your personal time), and the fighters get wind of it and take your lack of interest personally.

They get in to the Octagon and perform stupifying acts of athleticism and heartitude, Dana White gets a huge boner at the press conference, and now you have to read recaps and watch GIFs to catch up on the action. Sucks to be you, we guess.

Frankly, you need to be making better choices in your life — you cannot paint those happy little clouds and friendly little mountains like Bob Ross — no one can. Frodog himself couldn’t even paint like that; all of Bob Ross’s shows were actually produced by Industrial Light and Magic. There, the secret is out, and we can die in peace.

For those dedicated souls that tuned in, hey wow, how about that show, huh? Like you, we had some thoughts during the fights, and unlike you, we wrote some of these thoughts down during and after the fights. Come on in and let us tell you how you’re feeling right now.

All hail Zombie Prophet!

Seems like you should be able to predict the fight based on the shorts alone. PicProps: MMAJunkie

It happens everytime.  You write off a UFC card as uninteresting and decide to paint along with Bob Ross (or whatever it is you do with your personal time), and the fighters get wind of it and take your lack of interest personally.

They get in to the Octagon and perform stupifying acts of athleticism and heartitude, Dana White gets a huge boner at the press conference, and now you have to read recaps and watch GIFs to catch up on the action.  Sucks to be you, we guess.

Frankly, you need to be making better choices in your life — you cannot paint those happy little clouds and friendly little mountains like Bob Ross — no one can.  Frodog himself couldn’t even paint like that; all of Bob Ross’s shows were actually produced by Industrial Light and Magic.  There, the secret is out, and we can die in peace.

For those dedicated souls that tuned in, hey wow, how about that show, huh?  Like you, we had some thoughts during the fights, and unlike you, we wrote some of these thoughts down during and after the fights.   Come on in and let us tell you how you’re feeling right now.

All hail Zombie Prophet!

1. Cheaters still prosper…or do they?

Charles Oliveira and Nik Lentz were putting on a damn show in the prelims, until Oliveira blasted Lentz in the eyepiece with an illegal knee. When referee Chip Snider missed the blow completely and kept the fight going, Lentz was submitted like he had no clue what was going on. (Because he didn’t.)  Oliveira gets the win, and our blood pressure started going up … until we’re informed that reps from the Pennsylvania Athletic Commission were on the case, and the fight and the result would be examined. Props, kudos, and respect to the AC for being on the ball to: A) catch the foul, and B) move swiftly to assure everyone that they caught the foul.

2. Hey look! Another walk-off knockout!

It was quickly apparent in the Mitrione-Morecraft fight that Meathead hits quite a bit harder than Christian Morecraft appreciates being hit, and we were surprised to see it make it out of the first.  It was the accumulation of damage, rather than one crushing killshot, that sent Morecraft to the floor, but Mitrione knew his work was done.  Morecraft shying away from the referee like he’d just been tag-teamed by a honey badger and a silverback gorilla hopped up on Cialis only served to reinforce that he was done for the night.  Mitrione was already off shaking hands with Joe Silva and thinking of a joke for his Rogan interview.  Walk-off knockouts:  yep, still awesome.

3. Maybe it’s NOT such a good idea to take fights back to back ….

Saturday, Rick Story was riding an impressive win streak (poised to join the 7 Win Club), coming off a great victory, shooting up the welterweight rankings, and was a chic pick to spoil Nate Marquardt’s debut at 170.  Sunday night, he’s getting outwrestled by some guy from the prelims.  While the late change in opponents could have been a factor, Story looked to be having some fatigue issues as the fight went on.  Whether he was over-trained or under-gameplanned, Story probably wishes he’d taken a couple months off.  On a related note…

4. It’s time to take a good look at Charlie Brenneman.

And we don’t mean his skinny-puppy physique or those awesomely bad highlighter vale tudo shorts.  Charlie Brenneman is now 14-2 professionally, with losses to John Howard (three years ago) and Johny Hendricks — no shame there.  In the UFC, he’s sent two other fighters home with a pink slip, including his debut victory over Jason High.   On one hand, it seems surreal to even mention Brenneman against guys like GSP, Fitch, or Koscheck; on the other, he deserves more than just returning to the prelims versus TJ Grant.  There’s plenty of fights for him:  Brian Foster (if his brain is ok) or Matt Brown would be appropriate tests for him, but if he wants to make a splash he’ll go after Thiago Alves.  We can’t see him winning that fight, but then again,  dude, did you see what he did to Rick Story?

5. Hey look! Another “back from the dead” win!

Cheick Kongo and Pat Barry brought the artillery for their fight, and they manages to use all of it in just about two and a half minutes.  HD had Kongo reeling all over the Octagon between two knockdowns, and everyone expected ref Dan Mirgliotta to jump in and save Kongo — including Mirgliotta himself. Kongo managed to regain his footing, shaky as it was, and land a right hook and a follow-on uppercut that put Barry directly in touch with his belated great-nana .  It was a scary KO and we were glad to see our boy HD was ok, but holy Scott Smith Batman!  Between his “hay ladies” physique and his concussive knockouts, Kongo reminded all of us why he’s still in the UFC last night.




Falling Action: Best and Worst of UFC Live

Filed under: UFCBetween Nate Marquardt’s murky, ongoing professional nightmare and Cheick Kongo’s dramatic comeback in the main event of UFC Live, it was a weekend to remember in the MMA world.

Now, after a good night’s sleep filled with terrifying up…

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Between Nate Marquardt’s murky, ongoing professional nightmare and Cheick Kongo’s dramatic comeback in the main event of UFC Live, it was a weekend to remember in the MMA world.

Now, after a good night’s sleep filled with terrifying uppercut-related dreams, we return to the weekend’s action and inaction alike to ask ourselves the eternal question: what the heck happened last night?

Answers may (or may not) lie with the biggest winners, losers, and everything in between from UFC Live.

Biggest Winner: Charlie Brenneman
What do you say when you get the call to sub in for the co-main event on a day’s notice? Most of us might have suddenly remembered that we had somewhere else to be, but Brenneman stepped up and made it count. He out-wrestled and out-hustled Rick Story, who seemed surprised that this guy was taking the fight so seriously. It was not only the biggest win of Brenneman’s career, it was also yet another reminder to every fighter on the UFC roster to be ready for absolutely anything at any time. You sign to fight on the prelims? That doesn’t mean you won’t be in the top spot by the time fight night rolls around. That’s just how it goes in this insane sport of ours. One minute you’re weighing in just to get your show money, and the next you have a victory over the UFC’s up-and-comer of the month. Like they say, luck is when preparedness meets opportunity meets a good double-leg takedown.

Biggest (Active) Loser: Rick Story
Some said it was a no-lose situation for Brenneman. Really, it was a no-win situation for Story. He’d stepped up on short notice to face Marquardt — a former title contender at middleweight who found himself in need of an opponent at welterweight. But when Marquardt got pulled under mysterious circumstances, Story went from fighting up the ladder to fighting down it. There’s no other way he would have gone from a win over Thiago Alves to a fight with Brenneman, who was 2-1 in the UFC before Sunday night. Story thought he’d be the one with everything to gain, but Marquardt’s “medical” problems fixed that. Through no fault of his own, Story’s great opportunity turned into a raw deal this weekend. Then his lack of a strong takedown defense did the rest.

Biggest (Inactive) Loser: Nate Marquardt
All we know for sure at the moment is that he wasn’t medically cleared to fight, and that he knew he probably wouldn’t be medically cleared to fight, at least according to the Pennsylvania Athletic Commission officials. We also know that Dana White is “disgusted” with him, which tells us that the likely culprit is not something as innocent as a failed eye exam. Marquardt and his team have chosen to hold their tongues until Tuesday’s MMA Hour appearance (you’re not going to want to miss that, by the way), but unless he has a ridiculously good explanation for all this, Marquardt’s probably going to come out looking like the bad guy on this one. He already lost his UFC gig at a very limited time for MMA free agency, and now he has the ire of the fans to deal with on top of it. It’s a rough time for Nate the Great and, depending on what he has to say on Ariel Helwani’s show tomorrow, it may only get rougher.

Most Amazing: Cheick Kongo
How he even had his legs under him well enough to throw a decent punch after getting rolled up by a couple of Pat Barry bombs, I’ll never know. How he managed to get enough on that punch to knock Barry out cold — a feat never before accomplished in either MMA or kickboxing — that might remain one of the world’s great mysteries. Kongo said afterward that he was never knocked out, but then again he also said that he didn’t remember much after Barry’s right hand dropped him to his knees. He did seem to be briefly separated from his senses, but they became reacquainted with one another just in time to take advantage of Barry’s reckless aggression, and the result was one of the greatest comebacks in MMA history. After the fight Kongo seemed more freaked out than elated, sort of like a man who had narrowly avoided a horrible wreck on the freeway, then pulled off at the next exit and bought the winning lottery ticket at the first gas station he saw. I’m not sure if this one memorable win is enough to reinvigorate Kongo’s somewhat stagnant career, but it sure saved this fight card, for what that’s worth.

Most in Need of a Hug: Pat Barry
If I ever need to teach a robot how to recognize human sadness (shut up, it could happen), I’ll just show it the look on Barry’s face right after the Kongo fight. He didn’t need to say a word — all the hurt and crushing disappointment was right there in his perma-pout lower lip and his glassy eyes. One look at him and you almost know how it must feel to come so close to a great victory — to have it just outside your reach as you chase it like a toddler after a butterfly — and then to end up on the business end of a highlight that will live on in UFC hype clips from now until when super-intelligent apes enslave us and take over the planet. Barry is one of the nicest, most emotionally honest fighters in the game, which makes it all the more difficult to see him go through something like that. It’s just another reminder that of all the things this sport does with great efficiency and regularity, its ability to break your heart in a few seconds flat is still unparalleled.

Most Impressive in Defeat: Nik Lentz
As anyone who jumped on Facebook in time to watch the prelim fights already knows, a) your ex-girlfriend is only pretending to be so happy in all those photos, and b) Lentz was the victim of one of the most egregious referee errors in recent memory. Charles Oliveira nailed him with an obvious illegal knee, and the ref did absolutely nothing as Lentz crumpled up and Oliveira finished him off. The hell of it is, right up until that point Lentz was engaged in the most exciting fight of his UFC career. His slow-paced, clinch-heavy fighting style has been the biggest knock against him so far, which makes it sadly ironic that his first loss in the UFC should come in a thrilling effort on the undercard. At least, it’s a loss for now. If the Pennsylvania commission has any sense at all, it will overturn that one on appeal. This isn’t even one of those cases where you need a lengthy slow-motion video review to sort things out. A flipbook of Oliveira’s transgression and the ref’s inaction should do just fine.

Least Impressive in Victory: Matt Brown
After three straight losses, you can see why he might have felt the need to fight a little conservatively and get the win. But the performance that Brown and John Howard put on quickly went from conservative to anemic. One of Brown’s greatest strengths as a fighter — in fact, it may be what’s allowed him to hang around through so many defeats of late — is his exciting, go-for-broke style. If he abandons that in favor of a style that results in these narrow decision wins, he better make sure he never ends up losing another fight. While the UFC will tolerate you through a few interesting losses, it has far less patience for boring victories.

Best Walk-Off Knockout: Matt Mitrione
He must have felt a sinking feeling in his stomach when he saw the uppercut that Kongo used to put Barry to sleep. Before that punch, Mitrione had the $50,000 Knockout of the Night bonus all but spent already. Then Kongo landed one blow and took that money right out of his bank account like a vengeful divorce lawyer. Bummer. The good news is, Meathead has another highlight-reel finish, and he even got to show his compassionate side by leaving Morecraft alone as he struggled to regain his wits. Sure, you could argue that it’s the referee’s job to decide when the fight’s over, but it’s not like all the referees had been living up to their end of the bargain by that point. Fortunately for the dazed and vulnerable Morecraft, Mitrione knew when to walk away.


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UFC on Versus 4: Live Results and Commentary

FACT: At some point tonight, someone will refer to this man as “Kongo Slice”, and consider him/herself incredibly clever for doing so. Props: MMAJunkie.com.

The UFC will be holding its fourth installment of live MMA on Versus Network tonight at the Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, headlined by Nate Marquardt versus Anthony “Rumble” Johnson Pat Barry versus Cheick Kongo. Eh, what are you going to do? Plus, Rick Story and Charlie Brenneman battle for welterweight contendership, Matt Brown and John Howard more than likely fight for their jobs and Matt Mitrione squares off with Christian Morecraft.

The prelims are currently happening on Facebook now, so why not check them out? We’ll be here when you get back with live updates starting at 9 PM, ET. And yes, we know you’ll be back. It’s a Sunday night, now’s not the time to start acting like you have other plans. Refresh this page every few minutes for the latest results.

FACT: At some point tonight, someone will refer to this man as “Kongo Slice”, and consider him/herself incredibly clever for doing so. Props: MMAJunkie.com.

The UFC will be holding its fourth installment of live MMA on Versus Network tonight at the Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, headlined by Nate Marquardt versus Anthony “Rumble” Johnson Pat Barry versus Cheick Kongo. Eh, what are you going to do? Plus, Rick Story and Charlie Brenneman battle for welterweight contendership, Matt Brown and John Howard more than likely fight for their jobs and Matt Mitrione squares off with Christian Morecraft.

The prelims are currently happening on Facebook now, so why not check them out? We’ll be here when you get back with live updates starting at 9 PM, ET. And yes, we know you’ll be back. It’s a Sunday night, now’s not the time to start acting like you have other plans. Refresh this page every few minutes for the latest results.

Whoa. Technical difficulties in the house. Quick recap…

Matt Mitrione completely handled Chistian Morecraft standing, scoring two knockdowns in the first round; Morecraft was clearly flash-KO’d during the second knockdown, but he managed to regain his senses when Mitrione pounced on him, and held on to the end of the round. Mitrione showed more of the same striking dominance in the second frame. Aside from a successful Morecraft takedown, it was all Meathead, who battered Morecraft until a very impressive three-punch walk-off knockout.
Mitrione def. Morecraft via KO, 4:28 of round 2. Great performance.

Matt Brown beats John Howard via unanimous decision (29-28 x 3) after a gritty grind of a fight that saw Howard opt for a (mostly ineffective) wrestling-based gameplan, and Brown win most of the standup and ground exchanges. Brown breaks his three-fight losing streak and saves his job.

Rick Story vs. Charlie Brenneman

Round 1: Brennerman comes forward to clinch, Story flips him to the mat, but Brenneman is quickly back on his feet. Brenneman separates and runs off to get some distance. Brenneman clinches. Story turns him against the fence and drops low, looking for a takedown. Brenneman defends and escapes. Now it’s Brenneman’s turn to shoot for a takedown. Story is briefly on the mat, but he recovers. Brenneman fires a straight right that lands flush, and immediately transitions into a takedown. Brenneman moves to side control. Story establishes guard and locks Brenneman down. Brenneman with punches to Story’s ribs. Story is content to just hang on while Brenneman racks up points. Brenneman shoulder-shrugs Story into the mat. Brenneman goes body/head from the top. Story does not get the standup he was looking for, and the round ends. 10-9 Brenneman.

Round 2: Brenneman gets a quick takedown. Story tries to scramble out, but Brenneman stay on him. Story grabs a guillotine and rolls to north/south on the bottom, but Brenneman escapes. Story flies forward with a knee that bounces off Brenneman’s chin. Brenneman swings a hook and comes in with another takedown that scores. Story works some rubber guard for a moment. Story heel-chopping Brenneman’s leg off his back. Story goes for a guillotine again. Brenneman tries to pass to side control but Story gets his guard back. Story loses the hold. Brenneman rides the round out on top. 10-9 for the Spaniard. Man, is Story’s six-fight win streak going to end like this?

Round 3: Both guys throwing uppercuts and looking for the takedown. Brenneman scores with the single leg. Story looking for a kimura. The referee breaks them and Joe Rogan blasts the standup. They start firing wild punches, and Brenneman grabs a leg in a scramble. Story manages to set up an inverted triangle. Brenneman lucks out when Story can’t finish it. But Story transitions to full mount and starts bouncing Brenneman’s head off the mat with short slams. Brenneman escapes and grabs Story’s legs. And that’s the fight. Wow. Nate Marquardt didn’t just fuck his own career, he fucked Story’s as well. And now Charlie Brenneman is a contender, I guess?

Charlie Brenneman def. Rick Story via unanimous deicision (29-28 x 3).

Cheick Kongo def. Pat Barry
Barry circles the Octagon, spitting water all over the mat. Kongo has Rampage Jackson with him for the walkout. Kongo has a 7.5-inch reach advantage, and a significant beard advantage. Big Dan Miragliotta whispers something to Pat Barry. Probably something like “watch your balls against this guy.” Pat Barry weighed in heavier, which is kind of crazy when you see them in the face-off.

Round 1: Barry with a leg kick. Barry shoots in, Kongo brushes him off and throws a leg kick. Hard leg kick from Kongo. And again. Ouch. More kicks from Kongo, and Barry is hesitant to return. Pat Barry throws a right hand that catches Kongo behind the ear and drops him. Barry fires down some ridiculous ground and pound, but Kongo stumbles to his feet. Barry overwhelms him with punches. Kongo somehow survives and escapes again. But he’s completely dazed. Barry comes in to finish the job, Kongo catches him with two hard right hands and Pat Barry is dead alseep.

Joe Rogan calls it the most amazing comeback he’s ever seen. Holy shit. Legendary.

A couple minutes later, Barry is still on his back. Hopefully he’s up by the time we return from commercial. Barry is on his feet for the result announcement. Kongo def. Barry via knockout, 2:39 of round 1.


– Tyson Griffin def. Manny Gamburyan via majority decision (29–28 x 2, 29–29)
– Javier Vazquez def. Joe Stevenson via unanimous decision (30–27 x 2, 29–28)
– Joe Lauzon def. Curt Warburton via submission (kimura), 1:58 of round 1
– Rich Attonito def. Daniel Roberts via unanimous decision (29–27, 30–27, 29–28)
– Charles Oliveira def. Nik Lentz via submission (rear naked choke), 1:48 of round 2
– Ricardo Lamas def. Matt Grice via TKO, 4:41 of round 1
– Michael Johnson def. Edward Faaloloto via TKO, 4:42 of round 1

Kongo says he was never out, by the way. Likely story. Anyway, we’ll talk more tomorrow…

Charlie Brenneman Upsets Rick Story at UFC Live

Filed under: UFC, NewsCharlie Brenneman had a long, strange trip to Sunday night’s UFC Live event, with a series of match-up changes leading to him being told on Monday that he wouldn’t fight on the card at all, then told on Saturday that he’d fight Ri…

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Charlie BrennemanCharlie Brenneman had a long, strange trip to Sunday night’s UFC Live event, with a series of match-up changes leading to him being told on Monday that he wouldn’t fight on the card at all, then told on Saturday that he’d fight Rick Story in the co-main event.

For as crazy as things went for Brenneman in the week leading up to the fight, the fight itself went great: Brenneman pulled off a surprising upset and beat Story by unanimous decision.

It was a great grappling display by Brenneman, and an indication that he’s a more talented fighter than his previous performances inside the Octagon have suggested.

Story started the fight with a nice throw, putting Brenneman on the ground, but Brenneman quickly got back to his feet, and he soon took Story down and controlled him for most of the rest of the first round. It was a surprisingly effective display on the ground from Brenneman, and a sign of things to come: Brenneman being more effective on the ground was the story of this fight.

In the second round Story threatened with an early submission, but soon it was Brenneman on top and more of the same, with Brenneman staying on top and probably winning the second round as well.

Story appeared to go into the third round knowing he had lost the first and the second, as he was more aggressive going for submissions and attempting to finish Brenneman on the ground. Story achieved full mount with more than a minute remaining in the fight, but Brenneman clung to him, wouldn’t let go and eventually got out of the mount and on top of the fight. He stayed on top until the final horn sounded and got up and celebrated, knowing he had won: All three judges scored it 29-28 for Brenneman.

Story, who falls to 13-4, was widely viewed heading into this fight as a future welterweight title contender. Now it’s back to the drawing board, as Brenneman exploited some serious holes in Story’s ground game. Brenneman improves to 14-2, and he just earned by far the biggest win of his career.


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Charlie Brenneman Upsets Rick Story at UFC Live

Filed under: UFC, NewsCharlie Brenneman had a long, strange trip to Sunday night’s UFC Live event, with a series of match-up changes leading to him being told on Monday that he wouldn’t fight on the card at all, then told on Saturday that he’d fight Ri…

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Charlie BrennemanCharlie Brenneman had a long, strange trip to Sunday night’s UFC Live event, with a series of match-up changes leading to him being told on Monday that he wouldn’t fight on the card at all, then told on Saturday that he’d fight Rick Story in the co-main event.

For as crazy as things went for Brenneman in the week leading up to the fight, the fight itself went great: Brenneman pulled off a surprising upset and beat Story by unanimous decision.

It was a great grappling display by Brenneman, and an indication that he’s a more talented fighter than his previous performances inside the Octagon have suggested.

Story started the fight with a nice throw, putting Brenneman on the ground, but Brenneman quickly got back to his feet, and he soon took Story down and controlled him for most of the rest of the first round. It was a surprisingly effective display on the ground from Brenneman, and a sign of things to come: Brenneman being more effective on the ground was the story of this fight.

In the second round Story threatened with an early submission, but soon it was Brenneman on top and more of the same, with Brenneman staying on top and probably winning the second round as well.

Story appeared to go into the third round knowing he had lost the first and the second, as he was more aggressive going for submissions and attempting to finish Brenneman on the ground. Story achieved full mount with more than a minute remaining in the fight, but Brenneman clung to him, wouldn’t let go and eventually got out of the mount and on top of the fight. He stayed on top until the final horn sounded and got up and celebrated, knowing he had won: All three judges scored it 29-28 for Brenneman.

Story, who falls to 13-4, was widely viewed heading into this fight as a future welterweight title contender. Now it’s back to the drawing board, as Brenneman exploited some serious holes in Story’s ground game. Brenneman improves to 14-2, and he just earned by far the biggest win of his career.


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UFC on Versus 4 Live Blog: Rick Story vs. Charlie Brenneman Updates

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This is the UFC on Versus 4 live blog for Rick Story vs. Charlie Brenneman, a welterweight bout on tonight’s event at the CONSOL Energy Center in Pittsburgh.

Story (13-3) has one his last six fights and just a month ago defeated Thiago Alves. Brenneman (13-2) lost his spot on the card earlier this week when opponent TJ Grand had to bow out due to illness. However, with Nate Marquardt failing his medicals, Brenneman agreed to step in to face Story. Brenneman is coming off a decision win over Amilcar Alves at UFC Fight for the Troops 2 in January.

The live blog is below.

Round 1: Brenneman rushes in quickly for a takedown but Story ends up slamming him down. Back to their feet, Story crowds him against the fence and lands a knee to the legs. Brenneman pushes Story against the cage as they continue to jockey for position. Each man lands a right hand as they break. Brenneman takes him down moments later, but Story uses the momentum of the big move to get to his feet. Brenneman lands a straight right, then puts Story on his back. Brenneman moves to side control with half the round left. Story regains guard 30 seconds later. Brenneman with body shots from the top as Story tries to tie him up and force a standup. Brenneman isn’t able to land big shots, but he does enough to keep the position and ride out the round. It’s 10-9 for Brenneman.

Round 2: Brenneman takes Story down in the opening 15 seconds. Story tries a guillotine. Brenneman works free and they scramble back to their feet. Story lands a punch and knee against the fence, but Brenneman explodes in for a shot and takes Story down again. Three minutes left. Brenneman is in Story’s guard. Brenneman grinding from the top. Story tries to get up but Brenneman keeps him planted. Story hunts a guillotine from the bottom. Brenneman free and fires off some body punches from the top. Brenneman moves to side control, but there’s not enough time to work from the position. Brenneman wins the round again, 10-9.

Round 3: Story comes out with urgency with aggressive striking. Brenneman ducks low and drives for another takedown. Story looks for an arm bar, then switches to a kimura. With them stuck in that position, referee Mark Matheny breaks them up. Brenneman moves for the takedown, Story tries a triangle from his back. It looks tight but Brenneman works out of it. Story re-adjusts. Story can’t finish it. Story ends up on top against the fence. Story lands left hands. Story ends up in full mount. Brenneman tries to tie him up. Less than a minute left. Story leaves space and Brenneman gets free. Story goes for a kimura again. Clock winding down. Story takes the round but Brenneman is going to upset Story. Judges cards to come.

Winner: Charlie Brenneman via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)


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This is the UFC on Versus 4 live blog for Rick Story vs. Charlie Brenneman, a welterweight bout on tonight’s event at the CONSOL Energy Center in Pittsburgh.

Story (13-3) has one his last six fights and just a month ago defeated Thiago Alves. Brenneman (13-2) lost his spot on the card earlier this week when opponent TJ Grand had to bow out due to illness. However, with Nate Marquardt failing his medicals, Brenneman agreed to step in to face Story. Brenneman is coming off a decision win over Amilcar Alves at UFC Fight for the Troops 2 in January.

The live blog is below.

Round 1: Brenneman rushes in quickly for a takedown but Story ends up slamming him down. Back to their feet, Story crowds him against the fence and lands a knee to the legs. Brenneman pushes Story against the cage as they continue to jockey for position. Each man lands a right hand as they break. Brenneman takes him down moments later, but Story uses the momentum of the big move to get to his feet. Brenneman lands a straight right, then puts Story on his back. Brenneman moves to side control with half the round left. Story regains guard 30 seconds later. Brenneman with body shots from the top as Story tries to tie him up and force a standup. Brenneman isn’t able to land big shots, but he does enough to keep the position and ride out the round. It’s 10-9 for Brenneman.

Round 2: Brenneman takes Story down in the opening 15 seconds. Story tries a guillotine. Brenneman works free and they scramble back to their feet. Story lands a punch and knee against the fence, but Brenneman explodes in for a shot and takes Story down again. Three minutes left. Brenneman is in Story’s guard. Brenneman grinding from the top. Story tries to get up but Brenneman keeps him planted. Story hunts a guillotine from the bottom. Brenneman free and fires off some body punches from the top. Brenneman moves to side control, but there’s not enough time to work from the position. Brenneman wins the round again, 10-9.

Round 3: Story comes out with urgency with aggressive striking. Brenneman ducks low and drives for another takedown. Story looks for an arm bar, then switches to a kimura. With them stuck in that position, referee Mark Matheny breaks them up. Brenneman moves for the takedown, Story tries a triangle from his back. It looks tight but Brenneman works out of it. Story re-adjusts. Story can’t finish it. Story ends up on top against the fence. Story lands left hands. Story ends up in full mount. Brenneman tries to tie him up. Less than a minute left. Story leaves space and Brenneman gets free. Story goes for a kimura again. Clock winding down. Story takes the round but Brenneman is going to upset Story. Judges cards to come.

Winner: Charlie Brenneman via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)


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