[VIDEO] MMA in The Wild: Most Technical Street Brawl Ever?


Because we are degenerates, we here at CagePotato love street fights. We watch em, rank ’em and just all-around appreciate them. Especially when they take place in a pool and there’s fucking dolphins involved or when a mom scores the KO shot.

But we never really expect to see beautiful, evenly-matched displays of sustained technique in one of these Youtube messes. That’s why we were pleasantly shocked to find perhaps the most technical street fight ever recorded and published on YouTube yesterday.

Ok, “street fight” may be stretching it, as these two guys did not fight on an actual paved road, but rather on what looked to be a Eurasian dirt patch. But dang, they could fight.


Because we are degenerates, we here at CagePotato love street fights. We watch em, rank ‘em and just all-around appreciate them. Especially when they take place in a pool and there’s fucking dolphins involved or when a mom scores the KO shot.

But we never really expect to see beautiful, evenly-matched displays of sustained technique in one of these Youtube messes. That’s why we were pleasantly shocked to find perhaps the most technical street fight ever recorded and published on YouTube yesterday.

Ok, “street fight” may be stretching it, as these two guys did not fight on an actual paved road, but rather on what looked to be a Eurasian dirt patch. But dang, they could fight.

Boxing lovers beware: There isn’t a whole lot of slipping and crisp jabs on the feet. But the grappling — from honest to goodness belly-to-back suplexes to triangle choke attempts — looks more like a professional MMA fight than a pick-up brawl.

All that really begs the question, according to CP Chieftan Ben Goldstein, is this really a street fight or actually a “way-off-Broadway unsanctioned yard-MMA match run by the Dagestani version of DaDa5000?”

Presumably such a man would go by “DaDagestani5000.” In any case, enjoy the beautiful destruction above, and we dare you to find and send us any better street fights than this one.

Elias Cepeda