Kicking off the UFC Raleigh card is a light heavyweight bout between Jamahal Hill and Darko Stosic. Round 1: Hill starts with a leg kick as Stosic advances forward. Stosic attempts the clinch but later somersaults backwards on the ground as it appears Hill made some contact with a strike. Hill lands a bunch of […]
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Kicking off the UFC Raleigh card is a light heavyweight bout between Jamahal Hill and Darko Stosic.
Round 1: Hill starts with a leg kick as Stosic advances forward. Stosic attempts the clinch but later somersaults backwards on the ground as it appears Hill made some contact with a strike. Hill lands a bunch of knees. Stosic, meanwhile, is missing a number of overhand rights. Hill lands a body kick. Stosic lands some strikes but Hill gets out of a clinch position. Hill lands another knee and follows it up with a body kick. Stosic takes Hill down after catching a knee. Hill eventually gets up. Hill leads 21-11 in significant strikes. Stosic is beginning to connect more, though.
Round 2: Hill utilizes more kicks to start the second round. He lands a body shot which Stosic replies with a left hook that lands as well. Stosic attempts a takedown but Hill stuffs it. Hill has Stosic hurt soon after who backs away for a good 10 seconds. He’s fine for now but appears to be tiring and slowing down. Hill is taking over with volume while Stosic continues to shell up. Stosic fails with another takedown attempt. Hill lands a leg kick. Hill then goes to the body. Hill now leads 63-19 in significant strikes and remains composed as ever. Stosic lands a takedown but Hill gets up as the second round ends.
Round 3: The two embrace each other as the final round begins. Hill lands a one-two. He continues to throw volume at Stosic who has a high guard. Stosic lands a huge takedown and lands a number of strikes to Hill’s head. Hill eventually gets up and they separate. Hill immediately goes for a knee to Stosic’s body. Hill misses a wild overhand right. Stosic times another big takedown but Hill gets up again as they clinch up. Stosic has Hill pressed against the fence before they separate again. Stosic is performing much better this round. Stosic gets another takedown with a minute to go and is able to keep Hill down for a longer period of time. However, Hill gets up yet again. Stosic ends the round with another takedown. Hill should get the victory.
Official result: Jamahal Hill defeats Darko Stosic via unanimous decision (29-27, 29-27, 29-27)
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