UFC.com Hacked By Cyber Nazis

(Screen Cap of UFC.com)

It looks like ESPN and the FTC aren’t the only entities with the UFC in their crosshairs. Sometime around 5pm EST the UFC homepage was taken over by a group identifying themselves as the “Underground Nazi H4ck3rGr0up”. The splash page featured a bizarre anime-style sketch of Adolf Hitler with the names of the guilty parties. Streaming in the background was some song so god awful that even Shazam refused to identify it.. The site is still hijacked as of the posting of this story.

The hack is likely to be in retaliation for UFC Executive VP Lawrence Epstein’s interview with the LVRJ in support of SOPA.

Previously: In Case You Missed It: Strikeforce’s Announcement of Fedor to the UFC Was A Hoax Posted By Hackers

(Screen Cap of UFC.com)

It looks like ESPN and the FTC aren’t the only entities with the UFC in their crosshairs. Sometime around 5pm EST the UFC homepage was taken over by a group identifying themselves as the “Underground Nazi H4ck3rGr0up”. The splash page featured a bizarre anime-style sketch of Adolf Hitler with the names of the guilty parties. Streaming in the background was some song so god awful that even Shazam refused to identify it.. The site is still hijacked as of the posting of this story.

The hack is likely to be in retaliation for UFC Executive VP Lawrence Epstein’s interview with the LVRJ in support of SOPA.

Previously:  In Case You Missed It: Strikeforce’s Announcement of Fedor to the UFC Was A Hoax Posted By Hackers