CP Represents on Hammer Fisted’s Latest Podcast

The guys over at Hammerfisted.com invited Ben and I to be on their podcast this week, but since B-Gold had a Twilight Fan Expo wedding to attend, I had to go it alone. On the show, which can be listened to here, we discussed a variety of topics includ…

The guys over at Hammerfisted.com invited Ben and I to be on their podcast this week, but since B-Gold had a Twilight Fan Expo wedding to attend, I had to go it alone. On the show, which can be listened to here, we discussed a variety of topics including the UG, late night phone calls from Gus Johnson and the real reason why I wasn’t at the Boston fan expo.

I apologize in advance for my homemade apple wine and ADHD-fueled babble. Give it a listen, if only to make fun of my Canadian accent.