Fantasy MMA: Kountermove Looks to Claim Its Share of a Billion Dollar Industry

Mixed martial arts, famously, is among the fastest growing sports in the world. Its appeal is universal and obvious—after all, who doesn’t want to see a rip-roaringly good fight? If you raised your hand, please go immediately to an emergenc…

Mixed martial arts, famously, is among the fastest growing sports in the world. Its appeal is universal and obvious—after all, who doesn’t want to see a rip-roaringly good fight? If you raised your hand, please go immediately to an emergency room and make sure you’re still alive. Your soul, at least, may not be fully […]

And the Winners of the CagePotato Kountermove Contest Are…

(“Hey Ryan, phone’s for you.”)

Thanks to everyone who entered our Kountermove contest and to everyone who signed up for our free UFC 145 Kountermove tourney last week. We had such an overwhelming response that the room is now full. Also thanks to Crooklyn for setting up the contest and Kountermove for sponsoring it.

Make sure you support the site by buying into one of the upcoming tournaments.

Check to see if you won after the jump.

(“Hey Ryan, phone’s for you.”)

Thanks to everyone who entered our Kountermove contest and to everyone who signed up for our free UFC 145 Kountermove tourney last week. We had such an overwhelming response that the room is now full. Also thanks to Crooklyn for setting up the contest and Kountermove for sponsoring it.

Make sure you support the site by buying into one of the upcoming tournaments.

Now, to the brass tacks.

The winner of the $100 Kountermove credit is longtime CP reader NomadRip, AKA James Schipper. Picking up the Xbox 360 copy of UFC Undisputed 3 is Stewart Landry and finally, the lucky winner of the PS3 version of the game is Jason Wright, AKA Potato Nation member in good standing, J-Dog.

Shoot us an email at [email protected], guys, and we’ll let you know how to redeem your prizes.

We’ll have some more exciting contests to announce soon, so check back often and tell a friend.