Kicking off the UFC 258 main card is a middleweight clash between Maki Pitolo and Julian Marquez.
Round 1: Pitolo takes it to Marquez right away with a leg kick followed by a barrage of other kicks as well as an uppercut. He clinches Marquez up against the fence and lands a knee. Pitolo lands an elbow and takes Marquez down soon after and controls him in the half guard. Pitolo lands a couple of hammerfists. He takes Marquez’s back and controls him as as Marquez gets back to his feet. Pitolo takes him down again but Marquez is back to his feet. Pitolo clinches him up against the fence again as he looks for a takedown. Marquez trips Pitolo and proceeds to attempt a standing guillotine. Pitolo manages to survive and escape. They return to striking momentarily after a short battle in the clinch. The round ends.
Round 2: Both fighters engage in the striking right away. Pitolo goes for the body with some jabs. He lands a leg kick. Marquez misses some overhands. Marquez lands a right hook during an exchange. Pitolo sees his high kick blocked. The fight is momentarily stopped after an accidental kick to Pitolo’s groin. The fight is resume and it’s all action as they both start to swing. Pitolo ends up controlling Marquez’s back again and takes him down. Marquez gets up on multiple occasions but Marquez remains controlled. Pitolo switches to strikes before going for a takedown and is countered by another guillotine. Pitolo escapes but is caught in another guillotine. Pitolo escapes but Marquez has his back and lands huge strikes. Pitolo sneaks off the backdoor and enters the guard of Marquez. He transitions to full mount. Marquez is able to move the position to half-guard. Pitolo lands some strikes to the side of Marquez. Marquez ends the round throwing some elbows from the bottom.
Round 3: Pitolo lands a huge leg kick. Marquez backs Pitolo up against the fence as both fighters are swinging. Marquez eats a left hook. Pitlo drops Marquez with a low kick. Marquez catches Pitolo with a right hand but Pitolo is fine. Marquez is putting the pressure on now as a cut opens on the left eye of Pitolo. Marquez lands a huge knee on Pitolo’s head as it looks like he’s hurt. Pitolo goes for a takedown. Marquez tries to counter with a guillotine but it’s too slippery as Pitolo enters his guard. Pitolo transitions to his back and looks to get the rear naked choke but Marquez suffers and now has Pitolo’s back as he starts to rain down strikes. Pitolo escapes and looks for another takedown. Marquez attempts another guillotine reversal before they separate. They clinch up soon after as Marquez eventually takes his back before hurting him with big shots. He lands a knee to Pitolo’s head with the latter going for a takedown in desperation. Marquez counters and sinks in the guillotine before transitioning to an anaconda choke and getting the tap!
Official result: Julian Marquez defeats Maki Pitolo via submission (R3, 4:17).