Power-Ranking Chuck Liddell’s Duralast Commercials By Plausibility

(Yeah, you bet your ass fictionalization! Via Arthurdent.)

If you’ve been watching any Spike TV program lately — be it a Bellator event, a Bar Rescue marathon, or an episode of Auction Hunters (if you’re some kind of masochist) — chances are you’ve caught at least one of Chuck Liddell‘s promo spots for Duralast. Even though he’s been removed from the game some four years now, Liddell remains a more marketable MMA personality than say, Renan Barao (sorry Dana), which makes him the perfect guy to hawk car batteries and brakes. You know, tough guy stuff.

The Iceman being The Iceman, Liddell’s ads have featured the typical mix of stilted line delivery and goofball insanity that we have come to expect of Ol’ Chucky boy. The problem is, some of them take major liberties in regards to the quality of Duralast products, while others are unrealistic to the point of false advertising. Lucky for you, we’re here to clear everything up. Let’s get started.

“Walk the Walk”

First of all, I highly doubt that simply holding a Duracell battery grants one the power necessary to walk through concrete walls. That is not how automotive batteries work. They must first be attached to a power source before they can generate any kind of voltage. In fact, given that the average battery weighs around 40 pounds, I posit that carrying a car battery would only diminish one’s chances of walking through a wall, in that it would severely weaken the carrier, especially in the adverse desert conditions that Liddell appears to be traversing through.

Now, onto the rhino. Rhinos do not live in deserts. They are grazers who seek out savannahs and areas of densely-vegetated, palatable grasses as their habitats. Additionally, white rhinos like the one featured in this ad are pack travelers, but even if this particular rhino were to be separated from its clan and wander into a desert, it would still be impossible to lift said rhino, even in its weakened state, with one hand while carrying a car battery in the other.

(Yeah, you bet your ass fictionalization! Via Arthurdent.)

If you’ve been watching any Spike TV program lately — be it a Bellator event, a Bar Rescue marathon, or an episode of Auction Hunters (if you’re some kind of masochist) — chances are you’ve caught at least one of Chuck Liddell‘s promo spots for Duralast. Even though he’s been removed from the game some four years now, Liddell remains a more marketable MMA personality than say, Renan Barao (sorry Dana), which makes him the perfect guy to hawk car batteries and brakes. You know, tough guy stuff.

The Iceman being The Iceman, Liddell’s ads have featured the typical mix of stilted line delivery and goofball insanity that we have come to expect of Ol’ Chucky boy. The problem is, some of them take major liberties in regards to the quality of Duralast products, while others are unrealistic to the point of false advertising. Lucky for you, we’re here to clear everything up. Let’s get started.

“Walk the Walk”

First of all, I highly doubt that simply holding a Duralast battery grants one the power necessary to walk through concrete walls. That is not how automotive batteries work. They must first be attached to a power source before they can generate any kind of voltage. In fact, given that the average battery weighs around 40 pounds, I posit that carrying a car battery would only diminish one’s chances of walking through a wall, in that it would severely weaken the carrier, especially in the adverse desert conditions that Liddell appears to be traversing through.

Now, onto the rhino. Rhinos do not live in deserts. They are grazers who seek out savannahs and areas of densely-vegetated, palatable grasses as their habitats. Additionally, white rhinos like the one featured in this ad are pack travelers, but even if this particular rhino were to be separated from its clan and wander into a desert, it would still be impossible to lift said rhino, even in its weakened state, with one hand while carrying a car battery in the other.

Finally, there is no known military vehicle on the market that shoots a blast of ice like Sub-Zero. Even if this technology were developed, it would make (sub) zero sense to place it in the desert, where it would be rendered virtually useless. And contrary to the theory that Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull put forth, no human can survive a nuclear blast simply by being a badass. Moving on…

“Stopping Power”

Even granting Mr. Liddell the ability to stop a charging bull with a brake pad, there is no conceivable way in which he could stop a wrecking ball with his head. The force required to crush a human skull is between 16 and 196 psi. A wrecking ball is made of solid steel, weighs anywhere between 1,000 and 7,000 kilograms, and can swing at speeds of up to 4 ft/s. If the logic in this ad were to hold up, it would mean that Rich Franklin essentially possesses Superman-level strength in his right hand, and we all know that Superman is a fictional character created by DC comics to capture the imagination of pre-teens and grown men who never learned what books are.

And as for that preposterous mid-air stop, just no. Callahan brake pads, long considered to be the finest brake pads ever built, grant a vehicle traveling 55 mph a stopping distance of 16 metres (as demonstrated by auto tycoon Tommy Callahan here). To propose that a vehicle’s brakes could be powerful enough to stop said vehicle — free falling at an average velocity of 9.8 m/s² — in mid-air is simply ludicrous. This is not the Looney Tunes. These are real f*cking people’s lives we’re talking about here.

Tough of Legend — Yeti

I don’t mean to poke holes in your little story, Chuck, but how exactly did these two friends manage to turn a car battery into some sort of impromptu defibrillator? Did one of them happen to be MacGyver? And why the hell were they carrying a Duralast battery through the woods in the first place? And if the story is, by your own admission, possibly fabricated, how does that prove the toughness of Duralast batteries? If anything, it proves that the people behind this Duralast marketing campaign are nothing more than snake oil salesman praying on our common fear of the unknown to push their own personal agenda and profit from it. Thanks, but not in my America!

Tough of Legend — Marriage

I may not be married, but I highly doubt that a simple breach of latrine etiquette by itself could be enough to break up a marriage. Clearly, something else was going on there. Was this husband a habitual line-stepper when it came to the toilet seat? The wife a bipolar schizophrenic prone to overreacting and making rash decisions at the drop of a hat? I want answers, Mr. Liddell, and you’re simply not providing them with your anecdotal tales of Duralast products. Stopping a train by attaching brake pads to one’s feet? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE WITH THAT NOISE.

Will it Crush? Duralast vs. Dental Hygiene

Alright, Duralast marketing people, I’ve had just about enough of this. If you want to market your product by capturing the niche market of crush-porn fetishists, that’s fine. But don’t you dare try and tell me that a car battery’s ability to crush a bottle of toothpaste, or a dozen eggs, or a porcelain elephant, or fun (FUN!) somehow equates to the superiority of your product.

As previously mentioned, the average car battery weighs around 40 pounds regardless of its make or model, so to boldly declare that your battery is somehow better than a Kirkland Signature or EverStart based simply on its ability to do something your competitors believed to be common knowledge is not only moronic, but misleading, bamboozling, and downright deplorable. Everyone in this room is now dumber for have witnessed your cheap attempts at exploitation through bloated and egocentric false marketing. I award you zero points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

J. Jones

Conor McGregor is a Sensitive Artist in New Irish Heineken Ad [VIDEO]

(Yeah, but can he do *this*? via HeinekenIRE)

When I was watching Conor McGregor put a thorough beatdown on Max Holloway at Fight Night 26 last summer, I remember thinking to myself, “I bet this guy can fold the fuck out of some .090 calendared matt machine coated G-Print.” I used to work at a paper mill.

In any case, I was right, surprise surprise. None other than the Irish phenom himself is featured in a new Heineken ad (entitled “Irish Legend Talent Search”) alongside TV and radio broadcaster Jennifer Maguire and former rugby star Shane Byrne, showcasing his hidden skills as an origamist. If the ad is to be believed, McGregor has apparently spent most of the down time he’s had since tearing his ACL last August folding origami swans (also, calling Diego Sanchez a “fatty”). A noble pursuit if there ever was one.

Check out the commercial above, then let us know where you think it ranks among the likes of such classic MMA ads as “Jon Jones Brutally Kicks Child” and “ANDERSON SILVA SPEAKS ENGLISH?!”

J. Jones

(Yeah, but can he do *this*? via HeinekenIRE)

When I was watching Conor McGregor put a thorough beatdown on Max Holloway at Fight Night 26 last summer, I remember thinking to myself, “I bet this guy can fold the fuck out of some .090 calendared matt machine coated G-Print.” I used to work at a paper mill.

In any case, I was right, surprise surprise. None other than the Irish phenom himself is featured in a new Heineken ad (entitled “Irish Legend Talent Search”) alongside TV and radio broadcaster Jennifer Maguire and former rugby star Shane Byrne, showcasing his hidden skills as an origamist. If the ad is to be believed, McGregor has apparently spent most of the down time he’s had since tearing his ACL last August folding origami swans (also, calling Diego Sanchez a “fatty”). A noble pursuit if there ever was one.

Check out the commercial above, then let us know where you think it ranks among the likes of such classic MMA ads as “Jon Jones Brutally Kicks Child” and “ANDERSON SILVA SPEAKS ENGLISH?!”

J. Jones

[VIDEO] This Bellator on Spike Commercial is a Surprisingly Poignant Display of Violence

Maybe I’m just a sucker for slow motion and piano ballads (except for Coldplay. F*ck Coldplay.), but I must admit that the first advertisement for Bellator’s move to Spike TV in 2013 is a surprisingly well made and dare I say poignant bit of filmmaking coming from the network behind such subtle, highbrow programming as Manswers, 1000 Ways to Die, and those endless goddamn CSI reruns. I get it, Grissom, you’re f*cking smarter than everyone else and can figure out any mystery in twenty minutes, now please stop f*cking showboating SO I CAN TRY TO CATCH A GLIMPSE OF GAP TOOTH’S OR GINGER LADY’S TITS ALREADY!!

Anyway, back to the ad. Featuring such familiar faces as lightweight champion Michael Chandler, light heavyweight/TNA superstar King Mo Lawal, and former Strikeforce LHW champ Babalu Sobral among others, the 30 second clip succeeds in getting me amped up for a promotion I have literally been aware of for years now, so a kudos is in order to the gentlemen over at Spike.

Maybe I’m just a sucker for slow motion and piano ballads (except for Coldplay. F*ck Coldplay.), but I must admit that the first advertisement for Bellator’s move to Spike TV in 2013 is a surprisingly well made and dare I say poignant bit of filmmaking coming from the network behind such subtle, highbrow programming as Manswers, 1000 Ways to Die, and those endless goddamn CSI reruns. I get it, Grissom, you’re f*cking smarter than everyone else and can figure out any mystery in twenty minutes, now please stop f*cking showboating SO I CAN TRY TO CATCH A GLIMPSE OF GAP TOOTH’S OR GINGER LADY’S TITS ALREADY!!

Anyway, back to the ad. Featuring such familiar faces as lightweight champion Michael Chandler, light heavyweight/TNA superstar King Mo Lawal, and former Strikeforce LHW champ Babalu Sobral among others, the 30 second clip succeeds in getting me amped up for a promotion I have literally been aware of for years now, so a kudos is in order to the gentlemen over at Spike.

In addition to Bellator’s arrival, Spike TV will also be broadcasting K-1 kickboxing events in the near future and has made public their plans to move forward with a TUF style reality show, so maybe they will finally erase the title of “worst channel in the history of the world” that they have been labeled for almost a month now.

Considering the abysmal ratings that both the FX prelims and The Ultimate Fighter have garnered so far, do you guys think that Spike TV and Bellator could actually become a legitimate threat to the UFC’s market down the line?

J. Jones