Tito Ortiz vs. Ryan Bader Set for UFC 132

So it’s looking like Tito Ortiz will look to score his first win since 2006, against yet another powerful wrestler in Ryan Bader, July 2nd at UFC 132. You may recall how Tito did against an opponent with similar qualities last time out, namely Matt Hamill….yeah, not so well. MMA Weekly is reporting that the […]


So it’s looking like Tito Ortiz will look to score his first win since 2006, against yet another powerful wrestler in Ryan Bader, July 2nd at UFC 132. You may recall how Tito did against an opponent with similar qualities last time out, namely Matt Hamill….yeah, not so well. MMA Weekly is reporting that the bout is a done deal.

At any rate, Ortiz and Bader have been at it on Twitter, and as you see, Tito’s up for the fight.

@ryanbader want some? You will get some. Let’s go!!!!!

Should be interesting.

Rashad Evans Blasts Jon Jones, Feels Disrespected

After Jon Jones finished rag dolling “Shogun” Rua Saturday night, his former training partner Rashad Evans came into the Octagon to confirm they would be fighting next. It was a wee bit awkward, yes, but nothing too heated went down. In fact, if you were hoping for some ‘why you doing this to us man?’ type […]


After Jon Jones finished rag dolling “Shogun” Rua Saturday night, his former training partner Rashad Evans came into the Octagon to confirm they would be fighting next. It was a wee bit awkward, yes, but nothing too heated went down. In fact, if you were hoping for some ‘why you doing this to us man?’ type drama, the whole bit kind of fell flat. Well, the next time Mr. Jones and Mr. Evans meet, things might not be so ‘civil.’

Bloody Elbow has posted an interview today with Evans,  where the former champ didn’t exactly hold anything back, while discussing his now former coach Greg Jackson and of course Jones. In addition to voicing his displeasure with his long time mentor Jackson, for letting things get to this point, here is just some of what Evans had to say about his next opponent.

I feel disrespected by Jon because when I think about when we trained or when we were chilling, was the s**t even real? Or was he just trying to be a master manipulator and try to manipulate the situation so he could get what he wanted out of it? I don’t know and that is a question that I have in my mind but when I get down to it…that doesn’t even matter because we are going to get in there and we are going to fight. People want to say “oh my God Jon is this and that” but Jon Jones is Jon Jones to me. He’s another fighter I have to face.

Yup, sh-t’s getting real son. The whole interview, references to Judas and all, is definitely worth a read.

Nate Marquardt Calls Michael Bisping an “Ass”

After Michael Bisping infuriated many throughout the MMA world by gobbing at Jorge Rivera’s corner last month, no one was too terribly surprised when ‘charismatic’ fighters like Chael Sonnen were quick to call out “The Count” (and yes, we realize some of you may have hoped for a ‘typo’ there removing just one little letter….). […]


After Michael Bisping infuriated many throughout the MMA world by gobbing at Jorge Rivera’s corner last month, no one was too terribly surprised when ‘charismatic’ fighters like Chael Sonnen were quick to call out “The Count” (and yes, we realize some of you may have hoped for a ‘typo’ there removing just one little letter….).  Ya, Rivera pissed Bisping off, and perhaps some of his British countrymen with those pre-fight vids, but horking at a dude? That’s low.

At any rate, just when it seemed like things had cooled down a tad, Nate Marquardt has tossed two very large and angry cents into the discussion. Yup, the always nice and polite “Nate the Great” apparently had this to say about Bisping, while participating in the UFC 128 open workout yesterday (Thanks to MMA Junkie for the quotes).

“I would love to fight that guy just to punch him in his mouth and shut him up,” said Marquardt. “That’d be nice. He’s an ass. He’s a total punk (with) no respect. I don’t like those people.”

“The crap talking – guys hyping up fights – that’s one thing,” Marquardt said. “Even guys who are like that naturally, I don’t hold that against them. But the fact that he goes and spits on his opponent’s corner, that’s just so disrespectful. That’s not what a martial artist does and not what a sportsman does.”

So, looks like another of the UFC’s best middleweights is looking to throw down with Mr. Bisping; at least Mike doesn’t have to worry about finding fights. In the meantime, Marquardt will take on the always tough Dan Miller, Saturday night. To bet on the tilt head here.

Jon Jones Talks Strategy, Fighting “Shogun” From the Clinch

Anyone in their right mind should have been stoked to see Mauricio “Shogun” Rua vs. Rashad Evans, but it seems like ever since Jon Jones came into the equation, the hype’s gone up another level. It makes sense of course, as just like thousands of others, we too quickly jumped on the “Bones” bandwagon after seeing […]


Anyone in their right mind should have been stoked to see Mauricio “Shogun” Rua vs. Rashad Evans, but it seems like ever since Jon Jones came into the equation, the hype’s gone up another level. It makes sense of course, as just like thousands of others, we too quickly jumped on the “Bones” bandwagon after seeing what kind of glorious violence he’s capable of.

Despite the fact that this Saturday’s bout marks the first time the 23 year-old phenomenon will fight for the title, Jones has been taking it in stride, while remaining extremely confident about his chances. So, just how is the rising light-heavy planning on dismantling the champ? Speaking to ESPN, (thanks to MMA Fighting for the quote) Jones stated:

“I was a Greco-Roman All-American, and the clinch is such a huge part of combat sport,” Jones said. “If you look at Muay Thai matches, if you look at your traditional boxing, the clinch is huge. It’s a natural instinct for people to clinch when they’re in a bad situation. And that’s one of my main strengths. My takedowns from the clinch are very powerful, my knees from the clinch are very powerful, and I think that can be a huge mismatch that I can exploit in this fight.”

Yes, right about now you might recall Jones tossing opponents through the air like they were unsuspecting beach balls, and there’s little question he could do some serious damage from that position. That said, we are talking about Shogun, a man who reduced “Rampage” Jackson to a pile of broken human with some serious, serious knees. Guess we’ll see huh?

To put some money down on the fight head here.

Chris Leben Still Campaigning for Bout with Wanderlei Silva

If you’re a regular reader here at Fix, then you know we’ve ‘waxed on’ in the past (think talking, not Karate Kid) about how Chris Leben versus Wanderlei Silva would be a pretty damn sweet fight to catch.  Both dudes like to bring the thunder standing, both men have been involved in some epic wars […]


If you’re a regular reader here at Fix, then you know we’ve ‘waxed on’ in the past (think talking, not Karate Kid) about how Chris Leben versus Wanderlei Silva would be a pretty damn sweet fight to catch.  Both dudes like to bring the thunder standing, both men have been involved in some epic wars over the years and when Leben asked for the fight after taking out Yoshihiro Akiyama, Wandy seemed down with it.

Well, since then, a certain Mr. Brian Stann derailed Leben’s win streak with a first round ‘how ya like me now’ stoppage at UFC 125. Despite the loss, however, “The Crippler” continues to campaign for a fight with one of the UFC’s biggest stars in “The Axe Murderer.” Why stop now right? Speaking to MMA Weekly this week, Leben’s manager Gary Ibarra informed the outlet that:

“Chris is eager to fight again after his loss to Brian Stann,” Ibarra told MMAWeekly.com. “(He) would like to reiterate his desire to compete against a legend of the sport and personal hero of his in Wanderlei Silva.”

Yes, anyone who can stomp like Mr. Silva is a hero of ours too. It looked for a while like Silva might return from his layoff against the aforementioned Stann, but the former Pride champ apparently isn’t really in to facing an “All American.” Other rumored opponents have included Vitor Belfort and Chael Sonnen (until heel #1 called out the promotion’s heel #1A), either of which would be fantastic, but you could do a lot worse than Leben vs. Silva. Stay tuned.

Rashad Evans Says Jon Jones “Insecure”

Cue Van Halen’s “Where Have all the Good Times Gone?”
For a few weeks now it’s been looking like training partners Jon Jones and Rashad Evans have finally been warming to the idea that they might have to fight, provided “Bones” takes the light-heavyweight strap from “Shogun” Rua this weekend. It’s been a stark reversal from […]


Cue Van Halen’s “Where Have all the Good Times Gone?”

For a few weeks now it’s been looking like training partners Jon Jones and Rashad Evans have finally been warming to the idea that they might have to fight, provided “Bones” takes the light-heavyweight strap from “Shogun” Rua this weekend. It’s been a stark reversal from the previous rhetoric streaming out of Greg Jackson camp that teammates wouldn’t throw down against each other, no matter what was on the line.

So, fans have been happy, Dana White has been damn happy, let’s wait and see what happens on Saturday right? Well, it looks as though things between Jones and Evans may be shifting from ‘it’s unfortunate but…’ to ‘he f—king said that?’ According to a report from Bloody Elbow, Evans didn’t apparently care so much for what Jones said about possibly fighting him on a recent media call. The quotes are taken from an interview Evans gave on Pro MMA Radio last night.

“It sounds like he wants to fight, huh? Those sound like fighting words. I don’t know how to judge the kid. It’s kind of messed up, to be honest. I can’t control what anyone else says and it sounds to me like he’s a little bit insecure about the whole thing. Sometimes when you open your mouth you show what you’re afraid of more than anything. I don’t know why he has such an adverse response like that to me. I’ve never challenged him or made him feel like he should do that sort of thing. It sounds to me — if I was out of the situation — that he was feeling insecure about me. … (It made Jon) sound like a baby”.

This is getting good no? To bet on Shogun vs. Bones head here.