Mike Pyle Says John Hathaway Never Had a Chance

While some fans on this side “of the pond” bemoaned last night’s UFC 120 card saying it was weak, for British fans, who, let’s not forget were the ones, you know, actually paying to attend the London event, it featured several of their beloved stars. Michael Bisping and Dan Hardy are already two of the […]


While some fans on this side “of the pond” bemoaned last night’s UFC 120 card saying it was weak, for British fans, who, let’s not forget were the ones, you know, actually paying to attend the London event, it featured several of their beloved stars. Michael Bisping and Dan Hardy are already two of the country’s biggest names, love em or hate em, while  John Hathaway has been in hot pursuit (walking through Diego Sanchez certainly didn’t hurt).

Of course, while Bisping outscored Yoshihiro Akiyama for the UD win, the other two British studs didn’t fair too well. Hardy got KTFO by Carlos Condit, and Hathaway, well, the formerly undefeated welterweight ended up getting schooled by the veteran Mike Pyle big time. Hathaway was a heavy favorite to take out Pyle, and after hearing some of the Xtreme Couture fighter’s post fight comments, we’re thinking maybe that was bothering him just a wee little bit (comment via the official UFC site).

“Everything Hathaway’s good at I’m better and tonight I was able to prove that. I knew that coming into this fight my wrestling was better; I knew that my hands were better. I hurt him a few times in the fight; I had him hooked up in some things that nobody’s been hooked up in the UFC, beaten on in the UFC. From my shorts at the weigh-ins, to “Born in the USA” coming out, I just rubbed it in their face and on top of that I smashed their number one boy that they thought was unstoppable. He never had a chance tonight, not for one second.”

Wow. If you threw some money down on Pyle last night, enjoy.

Revelation of the Day: Dan Hardy Concedes Having “Big Mouth”

We here at Fix are the first to admit that we’re drawn to trash talking fighters like the masses are to ‘cute kitten’ Youtube clips. Look at the amount of coverage Chael “He Said That?” Sonnen received heading into his memorable bout with Anderson Silva, and clearly we’re not the only ones.
Of course, another of […]


We here at Fix are the first to admit that we’re drawn to trash talking fighters like the masses are to ‘cute kitten’ Youtube clips. Look at the amount of coverage Chael “He Said That?” Sonnen received heading into his memorable bout with Anderson Silva, and clearly we’re not the only ones.

Of course, another of the UFC’s leading mouths in the trash talking department is Dan “The Outlaw” Hardy, who since arriving in the promotion, has captured plenty of headlines with both his words and fists. It’s a nice combination to have going for you in the sports business, and while speaking to the official UFC site, Hardy acknowledged his personality hasn’t held back his career.

“It’s been pretty wild, to be honest,” he said. “I didn’t think that it would be like this. I knew I always had a big mouth and I think that’s contributed to a lot of the attention I’ve been getting. (Laughs) But my main focus is always to work hard and to win fights and enjoy myself as I’m doing it, and I think that the fans appreciate that and I think that’s the reason why things have moved so fast for me. If you would have told me two years ago that I would be in this position now, I would have been quite surprised. But it’s awesome and I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

Unless you’ve been far removed from civilization recently, you know Hardy is set to take on Carlos Condit this weekend at UFC 120, who naturally, Hardy has been giving the pre-fight gears. FOTN potential all over it.To bet on the tilt head here.

Video Evidence: The Weekend’s Knockouts (Literal and Figurative), Plus People Talking

(Guess who’s coming to dinner? PicProps: Cagewriter)
A bit of a slow weekend for those of us out there with more refined tastes, as the K-1 World Grand Prix 2010 Final 16 pretty much dominated the scene. If striking is your bag, you’ll probably d…

(Guess who’s coming to dinner? PicProps: Cagewriter)

A bit of a slow weekend for those of us out there with more refined tastes, as the K-1 World Grand Prix 2010 Final 16 pretty much dominated the scene. If striking is your bag, you’ll probably dig the video after the jump of some guy named Gago Drago knocking out some guy named Su Hawn Lee at that event. Pretty good scrap, there. On the MMA front, reports are all but confirming Jon Jones vs. Ryan Bader will happen early next year and that after UFC 125 Antonio McKee might have to go to church and pray for the eternal soul of Jacob Volkmann.

Also after the jump, one more K-1 knockout, a short clip of Tim Hague handling Travis Wiuff at AMMA 5 north of the border, Arianny Celeste talks to an extremely creepy-voiced dude from MMA Digest, Evan Dunham shows off his scars and — in honor of his signing — a quick flashback to some of McKee’s best work.

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Some Lawyer Says It’s ‘A Toss Up’ If Randy Couture Ever Fights Again

(“I refuse to answer on the grounds that I might incriminate myself.” PicProps: Connect.in.com)
The simple fact that MMA Fighting.com got stuck talking to Randy Couture’s attorney/manager this week instead of the man himself is probab…

(“I refuse to answer on the grounds that I might incriminate myself.” PicProps: Connect.in.com)

The simple fact that MMA Fighting.com got stuck talking to Randy Couture’s attorney/manager this week instead of the man himself is probably very telling about what’s going on in Couture’s world these days. Most fighters can barely scrape it together to hire a halfway-legitimate agent or manger (again, just having your girlfriend do it doesn’t count), while “The Natural” is able to dispatch this guy Sam Spira, who we assume has graduated not only from college but then took the LSAT, then graduated from law school, then passed the bar in Nevada. When you consider the sad truth that a lot of fighters don’t even know a lawyer – and no, War Machine, your public defender doesn’t qualify — that’s pretty pimp.

Especially if you can send him out to handle the media obligations you don’t want to do yourself. Hence, we actually kind of believe Spira when he tells AOL on Wednesday that it’s sort of 50-50 whether the 47-year-old Couture will be too busy and too famous trying to balance his new career as an actor (and entertaining "other opportunities") ever to compete in MMA again.

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Video: New York MMA Documentary

(Another of NY’s many aspiring criminals)
With states like New York refusing to regulate mixed martial arts, MMA gyms have basically become modern day speakeasies.
It’s in those establishments where fighters not only hone their skills, they also com…

(Another of NY’s many aspiring criminals)

With states like New York refusing to regulate mixed martial arts, MMA gyms have basically become modern day speakeasies.

It’s in those establishments where fighters not only hone their skills, they also compete in smokers and unsanctioned underground fights which are a by-product of archaic lawmakers who refuse to legitimize the sport.

MMA opponents like Bob Reilly likely look at MMA gyms in the same light as his counterparts in Washington look at Al-Qaeda training camps.

The irony that fighters can legally train to break the law and trainers can supply them with the tools to commit such "crimes" in these locales is head-shakingly ludicrous, yet in 2010 we continue to fight for ordinance of a sport that is in essence, the oldest and purest form of competition known to man.

Our boy, KahL-One, has put together an incredible series of mini-documentaries about the thriving fight community in New York.

Check out episode one after the jump.

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Ross Pearson Heaps Praise on Frankie Edgar

Since Frankie Edgar cruised to another Unanimous Decision victory over long-time, lightweight king, BJ Penn last month, a collective ‘he IS that effin good’ has fired throughout the MMA world. Of course, after Frankie took out BJ the first time, many observers of the sport remained somewhat unconvinced of Edgar’s standing, but now the Jersey […]


Since Frankie Edgar cruised to another Unanimous Decision victory over long-time, lightweight king, BJ Penn last month, a collective ‘he IS that effin good’ has fired throughout the MMA world. Of course, after Frankie took out BJ the first time, many observers of the sport remained somewhat unconvinced of Edgar’s standing, but now the Jersey fighter’s bandwagon is filling up with plenty of hop-ons and deservedly so.

For example, in a recent interview with Fighters Only Magazine, Ross Pearson talked in length about recent training sessions he’s had with the lightweight champ, and the British lightweight was obviously pretty damn impressed with Edgar’s game.

“I think Frankie is the kind of guy who is very scrappy, he has great wrestling, great foot speed, I think he can hold it for a while,”…“We did a good eight rounds and I enjoyed it. Like I say to everyone, you have to find [your opponent’s] weaknesses and exploit them but it was hard to find a weakness with Frankie. He had good stand-up, good footwork and his takedowns are unbelievable.”

Yeah, we’re thinking BJ would probably agree with the summary above, after all, until Penn ran into Edgar, we were all debating about when would be the appropriate time to officially unveil the ‘Congrats on Cleaning Out the Division’ banner. How the times have changed…Pearson is of course taking on Cole Miller at next week’s UFC Fight Night, which should be a fantastic bout—to bet head here.