MMA’s Top Five Submission Moves

Just so we’re all on the same page, this article is completely objective. There is hard evidence to back up every single one of these on this list. There is no debate. 
What red-blooded male hasn’t thought about what it would be like …

Just so we’re all on the same page, this article is completely objective. There is hard evidence to back up every single one of these on this list. There is no debate. 
What red-blooded male hasn’t thought about what it would be like to step into a ring/cage and stare down your opponent all the […]

UFC Betting

MMA’s Top Five Submission Moves

MMA’s 25 Most Marketable Fighters Today

The popularity of MMA has really exploded in the last few years. It is the most popular combat sport in this country regularly drawing huge Pay-Per-View numbers and bringing in legions of new fans every single day. With this popularity comes more marke…

The popularity of MMA has really exploded in the last few years. It is the most popular combat sport in this country regularly drawing huge Pay-Per-View numbers and bringing in legions of new fans every single day. With this popularity comes more marketing opportunities for the fighters of Mixed Martial Arts. Here are the 25 […]

UFC Betting

MMA’s 25 Most Marketable Fighters Today

MMA’s Top 10 Most Bad Ass Nicknames

There are certain fighters with nicknames that sound so dangerous they give you goosebumps, sending a chill up your spine.
Throughout MMA history, there have been many truly bad ass nicknames. Only a few of them can be ranked in the Top 10.

There are certain fighters with nicknames that sound so dangerous they give you goosebumps, sending a chill up your spine.
Throughout MMA history, there have been many truly bad ass nicknames. Only a few of them can be ranked in the Top 10.
Here’s a list of the MMA’s Top 10 Most Bad Ass Nicknames.               
Begin Slideshow
Courtesy of […]

UFC Betting

MMA’s Top 10 Most Bad Ass Nicknames

MMA’s Most Dangerous Nice Guys: Don’t Mistake Niceness for Weakness

MMA and nice are not two words that readily go together. In a sport where two fighters pummel each other with a goal of  forcing submission or knock out, nice guys should be a rarity. They could be mis-identified as a soft fighter.
But here are so…

MMA and nice are not two words that readily go together. In a sport where two fighters pummel each other with a goal of  forcing submission or knock out, nice guys should be a rarity. They could be mis-identified as a soft fighter.
But here are some fighters who show that you can be a nice […]

UFC Betting

MMA’s Most Dangerous Nice Guys: Don’t Mistake Niceness for Weakness

MMA’s Favorite Punch: Top 10 KO’s By Overhand Right (Video)

The overhand right is as common in MMA as goals are to soccer. Fighters like Chuck Liddell and Dan Henderson can attribute some of their most memorable career highlights to this punch, as can numerous others.
Great fighters around the world have suffer…

The overhand right is as common in MMA as goals are to soccer. Fighters like Chuck Liddell and Dan Henderson can attribute some of their most memorable career highlights to this punch, as can numerous others.
Great fighters around the world have suffered defeat at the hands of this legendary attack. It doesn’t have the flash […]

UFC Betting

MMA’s Favorite Punch: Top 10 KO’s By Overhand Right (Video)

Vitor Belfort-Anderson Silva: Phenom Could End MMA’s Greatest Win Streak

Before I even get into this article, let me state for any first-time comments and first-time readers of B/R’s MMA section that very, very few writers on Bleacher Report have been as blatantly honest and open about their favoritism towards Anderso…

Before I even get into this article, let me state for any first-time comments and first-time readers of B/R’s MMA section that very, very few writers on Bleacher Report have been as blatantly honest and open about their favoritism towards Anderson “The Spider” Silva as I have been in the few months that I’ve been […]

UFC Betting

Vitor Belfort-Anderson Silva: Phenom Could End MMA’s Greatest Win Streak