Open Thread: Jon Jones, And MMA’s Thin Line Between Love and Hate

(The fact that Jones stomped that rabbit to death seconds after this photo was taken did not get him any new fans either.) 

By Nathan “The12ozCurls” Smith

There are a couple of taboo topics at your local watering hole: religion and politics. These two subjects bring out the best and worst in people because the issues are argued with both an intense passion for one’s belief and ire against another’s. Both sides are unwilling to concede the debate, and when you mix in a few cocktails, it ultimately ends in name calling and/or fisticuffs. But among MMA fans, a third topic has already been added to the unwritten “Banned-Bar-Conversation-List.” I’m speaking, of course, about Jon Jones.

Over the past several days, CP has posted not one, not two, but three pieces concerning Jones and his arrest for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol. The UFC light-heavyweight champion’s arrest was justifiably big news, and both his supporters and detractors took to the comments section to voice their opinions; the Bones-lovers came with a shield to defend Jones and the haters came with party favors to celebrate his misfortune. Here are a few representative comments left by some of you…

Jones haters, what’s it like being so fucking perfect?

Everybody falls down eventually. But, that fall hurts a lot more when it’s off of your high horse.

oh god someone drove drunk!!!!??? what a horrible person…blah blah blah. Who gives a fuck? Its stupid he even has to apologize, he already killed his Bentley what else do you want?

(The fact that Jones stomped that rabbit to death seconds after this photo was taken did not get him any new fans either.) 

By Nathan “The12ozCurls” Smith

There are a couple of taboo topics at your local watering hole: religion and politics. These two subjects bring out the best and worst in people because the issues are argued with both an intense passion for one’s belief and ire against another’s. Both sides are unwilling to concede the debate, and when you mix in a few cocktails, it ultimately ends in name calling and/or fisticuffs. But among MMA fans, a third topic has already been added to the unwritten “Banned-Bar-Conversation-List.” I’m speaking, of course, about Jon Jones.

Over the past several days, CP has posted not one, not two, but three pieces concerning Jones and his arrest for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol. The UFC light-heavyweight champion’s arrest was justifiably big news, and both his supporters and detractors took to the comments section to voice their opinions; the Bones-lovers came with a shield to defend Jones and the haters came with party favors to celebrate his misfortune. Here are a few representative comments left by some of you…

Jones haters, what’s it like being so fucking perfect?

Everybody falls down eventually. But, that fall hurts a lot more when it’s off of your high horse.

oh god someone drove drunk!!!!??? what a horrible person…blah blah blah. Who gives a fuck? Its stupid he even has to apologize, he already killed his Bentley what else do you want?

You know how some people get bigger ego’s when they drink? His must have finally blocked his vision at this point.

Awesome. I don’t want to sound like too much of an asshole, taking joy in other people’s misery… but I’m glad we can stop with the phony good two shoes act.

So many haters. I have never seen people take so much pleasure in something bad happening to someone(besides all the Lebron haters), and for what? I’m sure most of you have done worse than wrecking your car against a pole.

There you have it.  Put these six people in a bar together and it is only a matter of time before one guy is swinging a pool cue like a samurai and another is breaking a Budweiser bottle over somebody’s head.

In the wake of Jones’s arrest, this quote from April 2012 has added jet-fuel to Team Hater:

I’m glad the UFC wanted to work with me, as well. I think they trust that I will never make them look bad. You never have to worry about me getting a DWI or doing something crazy. I think I’m a good company guy.

Supporters say he made a mistake and have promptly forgiven him. Critics now have all the ammo they need to prove their point that “Bones” is in fact a fraud, a phony, a shister, or whatever term you prefer to use.

It is likely that Jones will be offered a plea deal that will make a trial unnecessary if he accepts it, but in the meantime, the UFC brass have requested his presence for a little pow-wow. That fact that a plea will be offered is not out of the ordinary, nor is a meeting with your bosses after an arrest. Either way, the sycophants and the haters are both waiting with baited breath to get on their soap boxes as soon as any news breaks.

Jon Jones has become as polarizing a figure as Chael Sonnen, albeit for completely different reasons. Sonnen says outrageous things to get attention and he wears the black hat well. He is very cerebral in his approach and knows that he can hook many people with his antics even if most know better. Jones, on the other hand, says all the “right” things but seemingly can not convince many fans that he is the proverbial “White Knight” that he claims to be, and the backlash he receives on a regular basis seems to baffle him. He’s the Heel that tried so hard to be a Face.

There were over 100 total comments on both sides of the fence to choose from. Some were thoughtful. Some were sophomoric. Some were vile and a few wanted to sell me some wholesale Nikes. God knows I love the cesspool that is the CP comments section and enjoy the banter we share, but when it comes to Jon Jones there doesn’t appear to be a grey area — there is nothing that either side can say to sway the other side’s convictions.

To the Jon Jones lovers:
Do you honestly believe everything that he says is genuine?

To the Jon Jones haters:
What does he have to do to gain your respect?

Can we all get along?

Grab your pool cues, beer bottles, and swing away in the comments section…

(The Stockton “I Love You.”)