This week’s Martial Arts Fail was going to re-visit Master Wong—the man who warned us that eye pokes would result in our families being murdered. But midway through the week we received a tip from CagePotato contributor Adam Ackerman. When we watched the video he sent us, we knew it had to be this week’s Martial Arts Fail.
The video details how to pass someone’s guard (or “scissor lock” as they call it in the video) like a ninja. It involves flopping onto your side and doing what amounts to a pro wrestling move called a single leg Boston crab. What’s sad is that the instructor, Stephen K. Hayes, is apparently some kind of ninjitsu legend. He even has a Wikipedia page (but then again, so do we and we don’t exactly epitomize legitimacy). If dubious, impractical techniques like this are being taught by the best instructor ninjitsu has to offer, god only knows what kind of crap you’ll find in the bad ninjitsu schools.
Definitely give this video a watch. And if you’re brave, test out this ninja guard pass next time you’re rolling.
If you see any video that’s good (or bad) enough to make the cut, let us know! Send it to [email protected]