Blatant Troll Job of the Day: Floyd Mayweather “Looks Forward” to Putting on His First MMA Show

(Photo via

Floyd Mayweather and MMA: a duo as complementary and universally beloved as peanut butter and motor oil. It seems as if “Money” has been teasing a crossover to mixed martial arts (in one capacity or another) for close to a decade now, with MMA fans and media members lapping up his every word like it was a dog dish full of Beyonce’s booty sweat. Because surely, a man who earns a greater payday in one boxing match than the UFC’s entire roster does in a year (exaggeration?) needs “the world’s fastest growing sport” to get dat premo Fight Pass dough.

But like I said, us MMA bloggers love to talk about old Floyd, no matter how obvious, apparent, or a third synonym it is that he’s trolling us. Take his recent interview with Fight Hype magazine, for instance, in which Mayweather discusses how he is, like, totally going to host an MMA event soon. For realz. Third person narrative abounds:

We believe in treating our boxers and our MMA fighters fair. I want a lot of MMA fighters to get in touch with you because Mayweather Promotions, I look forward to putting on my first MMA show also and having me some MMA champions. Like I said before, Floyd Mayweather loves to think outside the box. We’re not just one-dimensional. We’re very versatile, and we have an open mind. When I get into the MMA game, I want them to make more money than they’re making because from what I hear, they’re not being treated fair. 

You hear that, broke fighters and MMA agents? Floyd Mayweather will treat you fairly, because Floyd Mayweather is a kind, compassionate human being (exceptions: former employees, security guards, the mother of his children).

(Photo via

Floyd Mayweather and MMA: a duo as complementary and universally beloved as peanut butter and motor oil. It seems as if “Money” has been teasing a crossover to mixed martial arts (in one capacity or another) for close to a decade now, with MMA fans and media members lapping up his every word like it was a dog dish full of Beyonce’s booty sweat. Because surely, a man who earns a greater payday in one boxing match than the UFC’s entire roster does in a year (exaggeration?) needs “the world’s fastest growing sport” to get dat premo Fight Pass dough.

But like I said, us MMA bloggers love to talk about old Floyd, no matter how obvious, apparent, or a third synonym it is that he’s trolling us. Take his recent interview with Fight Hype magazine, for instance, in which Mayweather discusses how he is, like, totally going to host an MMA event soon. For realz. Third person narrative abounds:

We believe in treating our boxers and our MMA fighters fair. I want a lot of MMA fighters to get in touch with you because Mayweather Promotions, I look forward to putting on my first MMA show also and having me some MMA champions. Like I said before, Floyd Mayweather loves to think outside the box. We’re not just one-dimensional. We’re very versatile, and we have an open mind. When I get into the MMA game, I want them to make more money than they’re making because from what I hear, they’re not being treated fair. 

You hear that, broke fighters and MMA agents? Floyd Mayweather will treat you fairly, because Floyd Mayweather is a kind, compassionate human being (exceptions: former employees, security guards, the mother of his children). Floyd Mayweather is versatile. Floyd Mayweather likes peanut butter, and Floyd Mayweather’s never been afraid to admit that. Bob. Dole. Floyd. Mayweather.

I don’t know about you, but Floyd Mayweather seems pretty serious here, and we should probably all start treating this half-committed aside as a serious news item. I shall wait on baited breath for Floyd Mayweather’s foray into our fine sport, as it will surely be the next evolution of MMA promotion when it totally happens in TBD, two thousand something or other.

Semi-related: Adrien Broner is a non-tipping scumbag who I hope gets hit by a bus.

J. Jones