Former WADA President and IOC VP Says Zuffa’s New Drug Testing Policy is a Farce

(“No athlete under my watch has ever gotten away with using a rubber fake piss-filled wang. And that’s a fact.”)

When asked about the announcement yesterday that Zuffa is adopting a pre-contract drug screening policy and that the parent company of the UFC and Strikeforce would be stepping up its random drug testing strategy, the former head of the World Doping Agency and one-time vice president of the International Olympic Committee dismissed the news as simply being smoke and mirrors.

Montreal-based lawyer Dick Pound told the Canadian Press that by testing athletes in the month or so prior to and the day of a contracted bout, Zuffa is leaving a wide window of opportunity open for PED use the rest of the year by its athletes.

“It’s complete illusory and obviously intended to be that way.The minute you know when you’ll be tested, it’s very easy to make sure you don’t test positive.”

(“No athlete under my watch has ever gotten away with using a rubber fake piss-filled wang. And that’s a fact.”)

When asked about the announcement yesterday that Zuffa is adopting a pre-contract drug screening policy and that the parent company of the UFC and Strikeforce would be stepping up its random drug testing strategy, the former head of the World Doping Agency and one-time vice president of the International Olympic Committee dismissed the news as simply being smoke and mirrors.

Montreal-based lawyer Dick Pound told the Canadian Press that by testing athletes in the month or so prior to and the day of a contracted bout, Zuffa is leaving a wide window of opportunity open for PED use the rest of the year by its athletes.

“It’s complete illusory and obviously intended to be that way.The minute you know when you’ll be tested, it’s very easy to make sure you don’t test positive.”

Pound says that if Zuffa is really concerned with the widespread problem, it would institute WADA or Olympic-style testing to level the playing field and to ensure the health and safety of its employees.

“The only way to really test athletes is to have a random drug testing program 365 days a year so that they cannot prepare,” Pound explained. “They’re just trying to do enough to keep the Congress off their backs.”

Pound was in London, Ontario Monday to speak at a celebrity sports dinner and auction, where he touched on the attraction of PEDs for young athletes.

“It’s very tough because it’s a very seductive approach the people urging it on them are taking.They just say, ‘It just helps you recover.’You have to get them to understand it’s cheating, a dangerous cheating. And you end up not respecting the game, not respecting your opponents and not respecting yourself. Oddly enough, most athletes understand that you need hard work to succeed . . . but this is a shortcut,” he explained, while admitting that it may take the death of a star athlete to make PED users realize that abusing them can have dire consequences.”We tend to react to the big things. It’s a mark of our society. I think there is a growing awareness, but there are always people who are sociopaths, who think the rules don’t apply to them.”

Zuffa Institutes Pre-Contract Drug Screening for UFC and Strikeforce

Zuffa announced today that they will institute a new performance-enhancing drug (PED) screening policy for all potential fighters prior to signing their contracts with either the UFC or Strikeforce. The move is a landmark decision by Zuffa, the parent …

Zuffa announced today that they will institute a new performance-enhancing drug (PED) screening policy for all potential fighters prior to signing their contracts with either the UFC or Strikeforce. The move is a landmark decision by Zuffa, the parent company of both major mixed martial arts promotions, that will help in its commitment in keeping […]

UFC 141: Top 5 Donald Cerrone Performances Under the Zuffa Brand

Donald “The Cowboy” Cerrone is undefeated in the UFC and with 2011 being the biggest year in his MMA career, it’s only fitting to take a look back at the five best performances of his WEC and UFC careers. To sum up Cerrone’s car…

Donald “The Cowboy” Cerrone is undefeated in the UFC and with 2011 being the biggest year in his MMA career, it’s only fitting to take a look back at the five best performances of his WEC and UFC careers. To sum up Cerrone’s career under the Zuffa brands, I’d have to use the word entertaining […]

UFC Betting

UFC 141: Top 5 Donald Cerrone Performances Under the Zuffa Brand

UFC: Should Zuffa Turn Strikeforce into a Farm System?

If you’ve ever been privileged to see regional MMA action, you know it has some of the best fights you will ever see. Most of the guys are either trying to break into the UFC or attempting to work their way back. Ask any fighter that competes on …

If you’ve ever been privileged to see regional MMA action, you know it has some of the best fights you will ever see. Most of the guys are either trying to break into the UFC or attempting to work their way back. Ask any fighter that competes on a regional level (or outside the UFC […]

UFC Betting

UFC: Should Zuffa Turn Strikeforce into a Farm System?

Zuffa, Fighters Versus the State of New York

Exercising their constitutional rights, Zuffa filed a lawsuit along with several MMA fans and fighters including Jon Jones, Frankie Edgar, Gina Carano and Matt Hamill on Tuesday U.S. District Court in the Southern District of.

Exercising their constitutional rights, Zuffa filed a lawsuit along with several MMA fans and fighters including Jon Jones, Frankie Edgar, Gina Carano and Matt Hamill on Tuesday U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York against state attorney general Eric Schneiderman and Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.

Zuffa attorney, Barry Friedman explained to Yahoo! Sports that the reasons given for banning MMA events in New York are a violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendmants. Friedman stated:

“They banned it because they thought MMA conveyed a message of violence. We don’t think that is the message that MMA conveys. I just spent the last few days with a lot of fighters and I spent a lot of time with them over the last few months. They will, as you can see in the complaint, talk about a lot of other values that are present [in MMA] like discipline, courage and respect for an opponent…. But even if violence was the message, New York still can’t ban MMA because it doesn’t like that message.”

“On safety, what they’re saying is, ‘You can’t do this because it’s not safe. Any time the government says you can’t do something that involves your liberty, that is a 14th Amendment claim because it is denying people of their life or liberty without due process. And it’s also a discrimination claim… Why ban mixed martial arts as unsafe when the data shows it’s at least as safe, or safer than a lot of other sports, like boxing, football, ice hockey, Alpine skiing, equestrian sports? It turns out the most dangerous thing you can do is be a flyer in cheerleading. So you ask, what parts of the Constitution cover that, and it’s the equal protection clause.”

The man has a point.