UFC on Versus 6 Results: Wiman, Danzig and the Top 7 WARS of 2011

The battle between Matt Wiman and Mac Danzig was fought with the kind of fervor and inspiration to warrant itself one of the best wars of the year.This is a list of the some of the most exciting and back and forth battles that were waged all the way to…

The battle between Matt Wiman and Mac Danzig was fought with the kind of fervor and inspiration to warrant itself one of the best wars of the year.

This is a list of the some of the most exciting and back and forth battles that were waged all the way to a decision.

They are showcase fights.

Fights that exemplify the best of fortitude and skill of MMA fighters at the highest level.

These are the best WARS (gone on to decision) in 2011… 

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