UFC 2012: 10 Most Unfairly Criticized Figures in MMA

MMA fans are a notoriously contentious bunch, but sometimes their verbal jabs are aimed at the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Unfortunately, when you explain that widely accepted “truths” about prominent MMA figures don’t hold up to scrutiny,…

MMA fans are a notoriously contentious bunch, but sometimes their verbal jabs are aimed at the wrong people for the wrong reasons. 

Unfortunately, when you explain that widely accepted “truths” about prominent MMA figures don’t hold up to scrutiny, you’re called a “nut hugger” or worse. 

Fans just want to criticize and hate some people, for reasons ranging from being a “boring” fighter to allegedly using steroids, to just trying to market themselves!

Who are these wrongfully criticized people and why are fans simply wrong about them? Read and find out!

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