10 Fighters You Want by Your Side During an Alien Invasion

Here’s the scenario. You’re sitting at home and you flip on the news. CNN is reporting that alien spacecrafts have landed and they aren’t exactly coming in peace. In fact, they are killing everyone. But being the MMA fan that you are,…

Here’s the scenario.

You’re sitting at home and you flip on the news.

CNN is reporting that alien spacecrafts have landed and they aren’t exactly coming in peace. In fact, they are killing everyone.

But being the MMA fan that you are, you happen to have a bunch of fighters on speed dial.

You can choose 10 guys to come with you and help you kick some serious alien a**. Who do you choose?

Do you go with raw power and strength, or do you opt for technique and quickness?

These are the tough questions, and there is no right or wrong answer, but I will attempt to make picks from all different angles in this slideshow.

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