Cerrone vs. Miller: A Complete Guide to Full UFC Fight Night 45 Card

You know you’re getting at least one exciting fight out of this deal.
That’s what MMA fans are thinking, and that’s what the UFC brass knows they’re thinking. It’s probably the reason why said brass soldered Donald Ce…

You know you’re getting at least one exciting fight out of this deal.

That’s what MMA fans are thinking, and that’s what the UFC brass knows they’re thinking. It’s probably the reason why said brass soldered Donald Cerrone and Jim Miller to the business end of UFC Fight Night 45 on July 16, a card going down on a Wednesday evening and thus one that is generally more prone to neglect than the average card.

Now, however, this is virtual appointment territory. Not to get all carnival barky on you, but Cerrone vs. Miller is one surefire, money-in-the-bank pier-sixer. You’ll have to throw away the mold for this one. You better get Grandma tucked in nice and early, Holmes. No niceties in this affair. Mano a mano, will this lightweight division contest be.

I’ve jinxed it now, and so now one of these guys is going to slip on a delinquent gob of Vaseline in the prep point, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, this is a paper tiger for Fight of the Year candidate.

So really, it doesn’t even matter what’s on the rest of the card, even if there are some good ones sprinkled throughout. Among them is the UFC’s first official women’s strawweight fight, although it was somehow and strangely relegated to the online-only realm.

In any event, here is a complete guide to the wheat and the chaff alike, including information capsules, predictions and viewing coordinates. Please enjoy.

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