Colin Cowherd: McGregor vs. Mayweather To Be Announced Soon For Sept. 17th


Boy, this story just won’t go away, will it?

According to Colin Cowherd, there is an actual date being worked on for the potential boxing match between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and reigning UFC Featherweight Champion “The Notorious” Conor McGregor.

Cowherd spoke about the subject during the latest edition of his podcast, “The Herd.”

“[The] news I believe is gonna break here in about two weeks,” said Cowherd. “I have already booked two rooms, September 17th and 18th in Las Vegas. My intel is Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather is going to happen. It changed late last week. I got a call then somebody else sent me something [Sunday] and Saturday. We’ve booked rooms in Vegas. [It’s happening] this September.”
Cowherd would elaborate, explaining some of the details he has heard regarding the back story behind the fight.

“Mayweather did have a very bad last pay per view gate – 550,000 people, he tries to get 2 to 3 million. So I think this is the most profitable fight for CBS and Mayweather. CBS has been working with Mayweather for years. That’s why his fights are on Showtime, because CBS owns Showtime.

“So Les Moonves [President and CEO of CBS] and the CBS peeps have decided, ‘let’s talk to the Fox – UFC peeps’ and you’ve got Fox and CBS, you’ve got UFC, you’ve got boxing, you’ve got Floyd, you’ve got Conor. It’s gonna make a lot of money for people.”

Cowherd concluded, “I don’t think it’s going to be a good fight but it’s an event. Nik Wallenda, in Chicago, did a tightrope walk between condos and a parking garage. I watched. I don’t care about balance I don’t care about – that part of Chicago doesn’t interest me. It’s not Lake Shore Drive, it’s not one of my favorite lounges. I watched a guy walk across a tightrope on a windy night in Chicago. And I’m like, ‘this is fascinating.’ This is being sold simply as an interesting one-off event.”

H/T to for transcribing the above Colin Cowherd quotes.


Boy, this story just won’t go away, will it?

According to Colin Cowherd, there is an actual date being worked on for the potential boxing match between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and reigning UFC Featherweight Champion “The Notorious” Conor McGregor.

Cowherd spoke about the subject during the latest edition of his podcast, “The Herd.”

“[The] news I believe is gonna break here in about two weeks,” said Cowherd. “I have already booked two rooms, September 17th and 18th in Las Vegas. My intel is Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather is going to happen. It changed late last week. I got a call then somebody else sent me something [Sunday] and Saturday. We’ve booked rooms in Vegas. [It’s happening] this September.”
Cowherd would elaborate, explaining some of the details he has heard regarding the back story behind the fight.

“Mayweather did have a very bad last pay per view gate – 550,000 people, he tries to get 2 to 3 million. So I think this is the most profitable fight for CBS and Mayweather. CBS has been working with Mayweather for years. That’s why his fights are on Showtime, because CBS owns Showtime.

“So Les Moonves [President and CEO of CBS] and the CBS peeps have decided, ‘let’s talk to the Fox – UFC peeps’ and you’ve got Fox and CBS, you’ve got UFC, you’ve got boxing, you’ve got Floyd, you’ve got Conor. It’s gonna make a lot of money for people.”

Cowherd concluded, “I don’t think it’s going to be a good fight but it’s an event. Nik Wallenda, in Chicago, did a tightrope walk between condos and a parking garage. I watched. I don’t care about balance I don’t care about – that part of Chicago doesn’t interest me. It’s not Lake Shore Drive, it’s not one of my favorite lounges. I watched a guy walk across a tightrope on a windy night in Chicago. And I’m like, ‘this is fascinating.’ This is being sold simply as an interesting one-off event.”

H/T to for transcribing the above Colin Cowherd quotes.