Conor McGregor Blasts Nate Diaz For Being ‘Floyd Mayweather’s B*tch’

UFC lightweight champion Conor McGregor hosted a live Q&A in Manchester, England on Saturday, which aired on internet pay-per-view. During the Q&A, he threw plenty of jabs at Floyd Mayweather as well as his old UFC rival Nate Diaz. When asked about staging a potential rubber match against Diaz, McGregor went off on Diaz for

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UFC lightweight champion Conor McGregor hosted a live Q&A in Manchester, England on Saturday, which aired on internet pay-per-view. During the Q&A, he threw plenty of jabs at Floyd Mayweather as well as his old UFC rival Nate Diaz.

When asked about staging a potential rubber match against Diaz, McGregor went off on Diaz for the video that was sent out in Diaz, which saw Diaz and Mayweather team up and share laughs at McGregor’s expense.

“Nate’s a b*tch. Nate’s a f*cking b*tch, and let me tell you why ” McGregor said (transcribed by MMA Fighting). “I had the biggest respect for Nate – and I still have big respect for Nick, he’s out doing his thing – but when [Nate] took that phone call or that video call from Floyd Mayweather, and was like, ‘hello Floyd’s fans,’ he was Floyd’s b*tch that night. I was like, you f*cking p*ssy. You absolute p*ssy. When he had that video call, he should’ve been on the other end of that line, and when Floyd was saying ‘you made McGregor tapout,’ he’s like, ‘yeah I did,’ and Floyd is saying, ‘I’m going to finish the job’ — he should’ve said, ‘shut your f*cking mouth, or I’ll strangle you too,’ and then post that everywhere. And then all of a sudden, it would’ve been like f*ck Floyd. It would’ve be me and Nate again. But he was Floyd’s b*tch that night. He was Floyd’s employee that night. So look, f*ck Nate. F*ck Nick. F*ck the Diaz Brothers. And if you want to be down with the Diaz Brothers, then f*ck you too.”

Despite the trash talk leading up to their first fight at UFC 196, which saw Diaz choke out McGregor and then their rematch at UFC 202, which saw McGregor pick up the decision win, McGregor had respect for Diaz. However, in the recent months, he has lost respect for the youngest Diaz brother.

“Look, he took a hell of a lot of smacks that night (at UFC 202),” McGregor said. “His face droops to the left. Look at him. Look real close at him. His face droops to the left now. You don’t take them left hammers all for 25 minutes and come back normal. He was not normal in that phone call. I was expecting a different situation, but I couldn’t believe it when I watched it. I watched like 10 minutes of it, and Floyd’s like, ‘hey Nate, say hello to my fans.’ You f*cking b*tch. It’s the biggest b*tch move I’ve ever seen. So whatever, it is what it is. Now you’re back in the queue. Now you’re at the back of the queue.”

While they have a win over each other, McGregor might be looking forward, but in his mind down the line, he and Diaz will meet again for their rubber match.

“Don’t get me wrong, me and Nate will throw down again, 100 percent,” McGregor said. “It’s one apiece. We’ll finish it off. I’d imagine it will be for the lightweight world title, 155. It could be like a skeleton wrapped in cling film. If his team is wise, they’ll talk him out of it. They’ll say, ‘you’ve made some money, your face is drooping to the left, your speech is slurred. Chill now. Enjoy the money.’ But they’re not the most intelligent people, so I’m sure me and Nate will go again.”

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