Johny Hendricks Reports Hand Is Not Broken, Now Awaiting Showdown with GSP

Georges St-Pierre is a wanted man and the fighter who is hunting for his title looks to be at full health after a slight scare following his fight in Montreal last weekend. Johny Hendricks feared that he possibly broke his hand in the first round when …

Georges St-Pierre is a wanted man and the fighter who is hunting for his title looks to be at full health after a slight scare following his fight in Montreal last weekend.

Johny Hendricks feared that he possibly broke his hand in the first round when he was facing former UFC interim champion Carlos Condit at UFC 158.

After the fight, Hendricks remarked that he would likely head to the doctor on Monday, but that nothing would stop him from his ultimate goal of facing Georges St-Pierre for the UFC welterweight title later this year.

“There’s always ways to work around it, so I will. Nothing’s going to hold me back,” said Hendricks at the UFC 158 post fight press conference.

Luckily for Hendricks once he returned home from the fight, the swelling in his hand had gone down dramatically so he delayed the doctor’s visit another day.  By Tuesday morning, the swelling had gone down even more and the final determination was no broken hand and no need to visit the doctor.

In addition to Hendricks’ own Twitter message, representatives from his management at Team Takedown additionally confirmed the good news to Bleacher Report on Tuesday, as well and sending along a picture of his hand two days after the swelling had gone down.

“The swelling had gone down a lot yesterday when he woke up,” the statement read.  “Today it looks and feels even better so he didn’t feel it was necessary to go to the doctor. It’s feeling much better”

It now looks like Hendricks will be able to avoid any time off to deal with a hand injury and get back into training right away to begin preparation for his eventual showdown with St-Pierre later this year.

As far as a timeline goes for the fight to happen, that remains unknown at this time.

Following his win over Nick Diaz at UFC 158, St-Pierre remarked about the long training camp and how he hasn’t had much rest since returning from his knee surgery last year. St-Pierre’s immediate plans included a vacation far away from Montreal to allow his mind and body time to recover.

There will be no rest for the weary, however, now that Hendricks has a healthy hand and a goal in mind of taking out St-Pierre and capturing the UFC welterweight title by year’s end.


Damon Martin is a Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report and all quotes were obtained firsthand unless otherwise noted.

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