Jon Jones, Wanderlei Silva and the 25 Most Aggressive Fighters in MMA History

When the cage door closes, are you there to fight or are you there to run and hide? Some fighters choose what I call run-fu and evade and kill the clock to survive from bell to bell. We all hate them. Some choose to  warm up, ease&n…

When the cage door closes, are you there to fight or are you there to run and hide? Some fighters choose what I call run-fu and evade and kill the clock to survive from bell to bell. We all hate them. Some choose to  warm up, ease their way into the battle and conserve for spurts of fury, and some come full tilt, all out all the time and try to break the cardio and will of the opponent.

That’s the beauty of mixed martial arts. Anything can happen at anytime, and you have to be ready for all that comes at you when the bell rings to get it on.

We all love the most aggressive fighters. The guys that come out meet up with the guy and plant feet and throw, and the guys who come out at 100 miles and hour and keep the punches, kicks and assault coming whether they are eating shots or not; these are the warriors we love.

Here are the 25 Most Aggressive Fighters In MMA History

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