Mike Pierce: "Nick Diaz is Entertaining Like Honey Boo Boo"

What does Nick Diaz, Jersey Shore and Honey Boo Boo all have in common?They are all entertaining train wrecks, according to Mike Pierce.The UFC welterweight was a guest on “The Joe Show” on Thursday, where he was asked to give his thoughts on Diaz as a…

What does Nick Diaz, Jersey Shore and Honey Boo Boo all have in common?

They are all entertaining train wrecks, according to Mike Pierce.

The UFC welterweight was a guest on “The Joe Show” on Thursday, where he was asked to give his thoughts on Diaz as a possible future opponent.

“Oh, I thought he was going up to 185 to get his ass beat,” said Pierce.

After serving out his suspension for a failed drug test, Diaz is already preparing for his UFC return in early 2013. The rumor mill is already buzzing about Josh Koscheck as a potential opponent.

Pierce and Koscheck have never really seen eye to eye.

The two engaged in a multitude of heated verbal exchanges leading up to their big fight at UFC 143, where Koscheck won a controversial split decision.

Despite his feud with Koscheck, Pierce says he will cheer him on against Diaz.

“If that happens, it happens, great, I’ll be rooting for Josh Koscheck I guess. I’m not in love with either of the guys, but Koscheck is a guy I’ve already fought once, and he’s definitely a good fighter and everything. I wouldn’t take that away from him. Maybe it’s just the way I see Nick interact with the media. I look at him and shake my head like, ‘What the hell?'”

Diaz is a fighter through and through, and he really doesn’t like being bothered with interviews and press conferences.

At UFC 137, he had his welterweight title shot against Georges St-Pierre revoked after missing several flights and failing to show up at two scheduled press conferences. He then released a video apologizing for failing to show up at the “beauty pageant.”

To Pierce, Diaz’s antics are like one big reality TV show.

“I guess that’s part of the fun with him is the way he responds to certain things, and the antics that he pulls in the Octagon. It’s entertaining like the Jersey Shore is entertaining or Honey Boo Boo is entertaining. It’s a freaking train wreck, yeah, of course it’s going to get ratings and everything and people are going to talk about it, but it’s not my preference, to be honest. I’m still rooting for Josh Koscheck, if that fight happens.”

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