MMA Contenders and Pretenders That Will Be Revealed in December

Tis the season of giving. With the holidays rapidly approaching, it’s almost time to unwrap our first UFC-themed present: UFC on Fox 5.Throughout the month of December, the UFC has elected to provide fans with many presents, including:Five former champ…

Tis the season of giving. With the holidays rapidly approaching, it’s almost time to unwrap our first UFC-themed present: UFC on Fox 5.

Throughout the month of December, the UFC has elected to provide fans with many presents, including:

Five former champs

Four main events

Three American cards

Two title fights

And a partridge in a pear tree.

Too cheesy? Sorry. Sometimes I get caught up in the holiday spirit. 

To make up for my awful attempt at Christmas humor, here is a look at nine fighters who will be competing in December. Each man has an opportunity to take a major step up their divisional ladder.

With quality placement within their respective divisions, there is a lot of ground that can be covered this month. Some of the men on this list can become a contender with a December victory, while others can become champion.

However, the mighty sometimes fall. A series of impressive wins can be washed away with a single defeat. Anyone who doesn’t believe me should ask Mark Munoz.

Here is a look at nine fighters who reveal themselves as either contenders or pretenders in the next four weeks.

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