MMA’s 10 Biggest Turkeys of 2013

I love Thanksgiving. Who in this modern workaday world of ours doesn’t love Thanksgiving? There’s the turkey and the football and the family members and the relaxing…it’s a terrific grouping of pleasurable activities. Everyone (well, unless you work …

I love Thanksgiving. Who in this modern workaday world of ours doesn’t love Thanksgiving? There’s the turkey and the football and the family members and the relaxing…it’s a terrific grouping of pleasurable activities. Everyone (well, unless you work at Wal-Mart) can participate, and everyone can enjoy it.

But like everything else, there are pros, and there are cons. The biggest con of Thanksgiving is its predictability. Its blandness, if I may be so bold. For example, turkey is great as, like, a symbol. But as a food item, it kinda sucks. Whenever you can use tofu to create a mock version of the food item and that version is met with comments like, “That’s really authentic!” you might be dealing with a bland food item.

So with all this in mind, I thought I’d do what I could to splash a few shots of hot sauce on the proceedings.

Here’s the concept: We all talk a lot on Thanksgiving about what we’re thankful for. But what about those things we’re not so thankful for? All the people and things who didn’t exactly bring their “A” games over the course of the year? Those are the people and things I want to highlight.

And because I write about MMA, I thought I would draw up a list of the top “turkeys,” or goofballs/failures/etc., of the year.

This is a completely new idea conceived entirely by me. We may be on to something big here, people. Very big.

And because it’s possible this could become an annual thing, I’m going to begin a running lifetime achievement list. An MMA Turkey Hall of Fame, if you will.

So I’ll start with the top 10 of this year, slowly building to the culminating moment when we induct our charter class of turkey immortals. Just one more thing to be thankful for. And you are so, so welcome, you guys.

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