The 5 Unluckiest Fighters in MMA History

With so many moving parts in play, luck can have a huge role in the success or failure of a mixed martial arts fighter.
Think about all the things that have to line up. You have to avoid injuries. You need to link up with the right training camp. You n…

With so many moving parts in play, luck can have a huge role in the success or failure of a mixed martial arts fighter.

Think about all the things that have to line up. You have to avoid injuries. You need to link up with the right training camp. You need favorable opponents. You need a functional promotion. You need good management. You need to stay strong against distractions and diversions. And this is to say nothing about the, you know, actual fight.

Here are five fighters who, for some combination of reasons or another, had pretty unlucky MMA careers. They are listed here in no particular order.

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