Top 5 MMA Movies That Are So Bad, They’re Good

It’s fair to say that mixed martial arts films are the red-headed step children of the movie industry. Then again, that would be a bit harsh on red-headed stepchildren who haven’t really done anything to earn our ire. MMA movies, on the oth…

It’s fair to say that mixed martial arts films are the red-headed step children of the movie industry. Then again, that would be a bit harsh on red-headed stepchildren who haven’t really done anything to earn our ire. MMA movies, on the other hand, have done very little right since they started appearing in DVD bargain bins throughout the country.

Sure, we’ve had the occasional decent flick like Warrior. There are even some terrific documentaries out there. But most who try to cash-in on MMA’s popularity end up creating the kind of movie that makes Gigli look like Oscar-bait.

And that’s actually the good news. If MMA movies were just bad, there would be no entertainment value. Like The Room, many of the films transcend mere badness to the point that they become wildly entertaining.

So, without further delay, read on for a rundown of the top five MMA movies that are so terrible you might actually get a kick out of them.

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