UFC Fight for the Troops 3: Grades for Every Main Card Fighter

UFC Fight for the Troops is always a special event. How can it not be? It’s more than another fight night; the event is always interspliced with real-life stories of combat and victory. Given that several fighters are military members themselves, you h…

UFC Fight for the Troops is always a special event. How can it not be? It’s more than another fight night; the event is always interspliced with real-life stories of combat and victory. Given that several fighters are military members themselves, you have a natural relationship that the UFC and its fans both inside and outside the armed services can support and enjoy.

Inside the cage, the previous two installments in this miniseries are memorable for some particularly, almost remarkably high degrees of violence. Remember Corey Hill? Or Steve Cantwell vs. Razak Al-Hassan? What about Josh Koscheck’s career-highlight-reel KO on Yoshiyuki Yoshida, or Melvin Guillard’s brutalization of Evan Dunham?

Would the third episode follow suit? I’ll tell you this: It certainly had its candidates. Here are recaps of each performance and grades for every main card fighter.

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