UFC Heavyweight Cheick Kongo – ‘Portrait Of A Fighter’ Video

“Cheick Kongo” | PORTRAIT OF A FIGHTER – a film by Steve Best from Cheick Kongo on Vimeo.

In life … “When we are born, we fight for our first breath, we fight to survive in this world and we fight for our last dying breath” – we are born fighters …

A true champion is not someone who only holds a world tItle or polishes their trophy on the mantelpiece but those of us who persevere through the trials and tribulations of when we fall or fail, to how we pick ourselves back up and keep going. This is what makes us stronger, wiser and defines us as individuals, the essence of who we want to be or become. A champion is someone who does not give up in life or on themselves but overcomes failure and fear with courage and the will to propel themselves forward to a better place, where they will find success and happiness.

This is a snapshot from a film and portrait of one of the worlds top heavyweight mixed martial artists and UFC fighters, CHEICK KONGO. Often misunderstood, not buying into the propaganda and media marketing of sport…Cheick continues to be himself, loved by his friends and fans, gives back to his community and strives to persevere and NOT give up!

This is what defines the HEART OF A WARRIOR and a true CHAMPION!

– steve best ’13

Click here to view the embedded video.

In life … “When we are born, we fight for our first breath, we fight to survive in this world and we fight for our last dying breath” – we are born fighters …

A true champion is not someone who only holds a world tItle or polishes their trophy on the mantelpiece but those of us who persevere through the trials and tribulations of when we fall or fail, to how we pick ourselves back up and keep going. This is what makes us stronger, wiser and defines us as individuals, the essence of who we want to be or become. A champion is someone who does not give up in life or on themselves but overcomes failure and fear with courage and the will to propel themselves forward to a better place, where they will find success and happiness.

This is a snapshot from a film and portrait of one of the worlds top heavyweight mixed martial artists and UFC fighters, CHEICK KONGO. Often misunderstood, not buying into the propaganda and media marketing of sport…Cheick continues to be himself, loved by his friends and fans, gives back to his community and strives to persevere and NOT give up!

This is what defines the HEART OF A WARRIOR and a true CHAMPION!

– steve best ’13