UFC News: New York Unlikely to Pass Legislation Bill to Sanction MMA

Bleacher Report’s Mike Hodges:Despite the increasing amount of momentum built up, it appears the state of New York still refuses to sanction mixed martial arts. The NYDailyNews.com reports that Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver announced that the U…

Bleacher Report’s Mike Hodges:

Despite the increasing amount of momentum built up, it appears the state of New York still refuses to sanction mixed martial arts. 

The NYDailyNews.com reports that Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver announced that the UFC would not make its way into New York due to the lack of support behind the promotion. 

“There does not appear to be widespread support in the Assembly for this legislation,” Silver said. 

The recent announcement puts a damper onto the plans of potentially hosting an event, and does anything but create more exposure for the sport. The legislation bill recently passed the Assembly Tourism Committee, as well as the Senate, and it is expected to be go through the Assembly Codes Committee next week.

Regardless of Silver’s decision, there is still a growing support for MMA to be sanctioned by chamber members.

“Every other state seems to think this is a good idea,” Codes Committee Chairman Joseph Lentol said.

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