UFC on Fuel TV 5 Results: Questions Answered and Lessons Learned

The UFC’s fifth foray onto the Fuel network is over. Stefan Struve has crushed Stipe Miocic, and British slugger Dan Hardy defeated TUF veteran Amir Sadollah.The event seems like it’s one that can easily be written as a “filler” in the history of MMA, …

The UFC’s fifth foray onto the Fuel network is over. Stefan Struve has crushed Stipe Miocic, and British slugger Dan Hardy defeated TUF veteran Amir Sadollah.

The event seems like it’s one that can easily be written as a “filler” in the history of MMA, seeing as it was one that took place on Fuel, as well as a British card stuffed with perceived “lesser” fighters.

This is false.

UFC on Fuel TV 5 taught lessons and answered questions about key fighters and greater principles about MMA.

What are the specifics? Read and find out.

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