UFC Undisputed 3 – Demo – Pride Intro

If your a fan of video games, particularly THQ’s UFC Undisputed series, the company is set to release it’s latest rendition on February 14, 2012 with “UFC Undisputed 3”. Fans can get a taste of what the game has to offer by downloading a demo which includes PRIDE mode. Above, the video features the fighter walkouts for Quinton ‘Rampage’ Jackson and Wanderlei Silva as they prepare to battle in the PRIDE ring. For more info on the game visit UFCUndisputed.com

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If your a fan of video games, particularly THQ’s UFC Undisputed series, the company is set to release it’s latest rendition on February 14, 2012 with “UFC Undisputed 3″. Fans can get a taste of what the game has to offer by downloading a demo which includes PRIDE mode. Above, the video features the fighter walkouts for Quinton ‘Rampage’ Jackson and Wanderlei Silva as they prepare to battle in the PRIDE ring. For more info on the game visit UFCUndisputed.com