White Elephant Christmas MMA Edition: Jones, McGregor and CM Punk Exchange Gifts

If you work in a particularly horrid office environment, you may be familiar with the “White Elephant Christmas” tradition. The basics are simple—everyone brings gifts and puts them in a giant pile. You draw a number and pick in order.
Everyone b…

If you work in a particularly horrid office environment, you may be familiar with the “White Elephant Christmas” tradition. The basics are simple—everyone brings gifts and puts them in a giant pile. You draw a number and pick in order.

Everyone brings something. Everyone leaves with something.

Simple, right? Nice even.

But there’s a twist. There’s always a twist.

Those who follow you in line get the chance to “steal” your gift rather than pick their own. This leads, inevitably, to people stealing the one thing that isn’t disposable crap over and over again, hurting feelings and morale in the process.

Sounds perfect for MMA! After all, this is the hurt business—why not add hurt feelings to the mix? Let’s assume, then, that every fighter has been given a set of natural gifts. I will now proceed to steal them and gift them to another fighter who needs them even more.

The result will be athletes suddenly ready to take 2015 by storm. Happy Holidays! Share your own White Elephant Christmas gifts, and any hurt feelings, in the comments below.

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