Brutal Head Kick KO Ends MMA Match in 6 Seconds

Dig out another plot in the left leg cemetery—we’ve got another victim to bury.
A week after a left legged brutality in Slovenia, another MMA fighter has fallen to a mighty head kick knockout in near record time (SKIP TO THE 1:13 MARK for t…

Dig out another plot in the left leg cemetery—we’ve got another victim to bury.

A week after a left legged brutality in Slovenia, another MMA fighter has fallen to a mighty head kick knockout in near record time (SKIP TO THE 1:13 MARK for the head kick).

The latest head-kick was spotted by (h/t Leo of and occurred in some nondescript facility in Brazil. 

The winner of the match was Marcos “Bicudo” Maciel—a Brazilian fighter who delivered a monstrous head kick to his opponent, Mario Cesar “Shotobushin.” 

Six seconds into the contest, Maciel went for his opponent’s head with a mighty left leg swing. The blow landed flush and Cesar fell to the mat. Not a single punch was thrown by either fighter.

And that was the match—all of it. Cesar made the fatal error of dropping his hands to ward off a perceived low kick and took a knee-buckling shot to the head.

The knockout was eerily similar to the kick that dropped Italian fighter Leonardo Zecchi in Ljubljiana, Slovenia last week. 

The victor of that fight was Croatian fighter Ivica “Terror” Truscek, who ended the match after 15 seconds with his own left leg head kick.

Head to the 5:10 mark for the kick.

Zecchi had expected the leg to go low, and was caught completely off guard when Truscek’s foot found his jaw. 

The Italian was able to get up after the kick, and even congratulated Truscek on a job well done—because mixed martial arts is one of those rare sports where someone can get kicked in the head and laugh about it after the fact. 

That being said, getting kicked in the face is quickly becoming the leading cause of unconsciousness in MMA fighters for the month of November.

Keep those hands up, boys—the left leg mortuary can’t keep working overtime.


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Ronda Rousey Flips off Miesha Tate on ‘The Ultimate Fighter,’ Draws Fans’ Ire

Athlete rivalries are the spice of life in sports, but sometimes competitors can take things too far.
Case in point: Ronda Rousey repeatedly flipping off MMA rival Miesha Tate on Wednesday night’s episode of The Ultimate Fighter. 

Athlete rivalries are the spice of life in sports, but sometimes competitors can take things too far.

Case in point: Ronda Rousey repeatedly flipping off MMA rival Miesha Tate on Wednesday night’s episode of The Ultimate Fighter. 

Rousey’s middle-finger festival was spotted by Simon Samano of For The Win, and it left MMA fans stewing over the UFC Bantamweight champion’s over-the-top gamesmanship. 

The incident began when Rousey and Tate—coaches on this year’s TUF— were tasked with a head-to-head rock-wall climbing challenge. The first one to ring the bell at the top of the rock wall would earn their team $15,000. 

The competition was close, but Rousey managed to reach the bell first. After ringing the bell, Rousey screamed “F*** you, b****!” and unleashed a barrage of middle fingers Tate’s way.

Tate ignored Rousey, who continued to flip the bird as the two coaches were lowered to the ground. 

Some viewers were turned off by Rousey’s antics and took to Twitter to express their disappointment.

Rousey and Tate have never gotten along, that much was established by their 2012 StrikeForce showdown.

The trash talking and pre-fight hype saw both fighters chomping at the bit to destroy one another, and the fight ended in an arm-bending Rousey victory.

The two are set to meet in the ring this December at UFC 168, so it could be believed that Rousey’s antics on TUF are just viral marketing for the bout.

Or Rousey still really hates Tate, and the world is in for another amazing fight next month.


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Croatian MMA Fighter Ends Match in 15 Seconds with Insane Head-Kick Knockout

An MMA fight in Slovenia was brought to a sudden, jaw-smashing end when Croatian fighter Ivica Truscek leveled a devastating knockout kick to the face of his opponent (skip to the 5:10 mark for the kick).
The ridiculous knockout was spotted by the good…

An MMA fight in Slovenia was brought to a sudden, jaw-smashing end when Croatian fighter Ivica Truscek leveled a devastating knockout kick to the face of his opponent (skip to the 5:10 mark for the kick).

The ridiculous knockout was spotted by the good people at (h/t Stephen Douglas of The Big Lead). 

According to MiddleEasy’s account, the kick occurred at Final Fight Championship 9 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, last Friday. Like all kicks to the head, it resulted in zero percent fun for the victim, Italian fighter Leonardo Zecchi.

The fight was over before either combatant could land a punch. The men bobbed back and forth, sizing each other up and circling. A pair of low kicks were traded, and then Truscek let fly the calamitous head kick.

His foot found Zecchi’s jaw a mere 15 seconds into the first round, and the Italian was left drifting through darkness on the canvas.

There’s no understating the brutality of a head kick delivered by a guy nicknamed “Terror” Truscek.

GIF via The Big Lead

Ugh. Crunchy.

One can only marvel at the durability of the human body after seeing Zecchi take this kick, get up and then wryly mutter what appears to be congratulations to Truscek. 

I don’t know what the Italian said, but I can imagine it was something along the lines of “Bro, I did not see that coming. Bravo.”

Even more ridiculous than the head kick was Truscek’s reaction to pulping Zecchi’s mandible. He didn’t even blink. The Croatian stepped back and watched calmly as the referee tended to the fallen fighter.

Considering that 14 of Truscek’s 24 victories as an MMA fighter have come by KO or TKO, he’s probably landed that kick before and knows the results are no joking matter. 

Both men hugged it out, and one of the shortest and most violent MMA matches in recent memory came to a close. 

This is why you have to love mixed martial arts. It’s the only sport where someone can get kicked in the face and still exchange pleasantries when the match ends.


In the face? In the faaaaace.

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Brittany Smith: Pictures of UFC Fighter Chael Sonnen’s Wife

Chael Sonnen’s career in the ring has been as brash and tumultuous as his words and opinions outside the sport. This year has had a far more peaceful tone for the fighter heading into UFC 167. He is coming off of a big win and is entering the initial t…

Chael Sonnen‘s career in the ring has been as brash and tumultuous as his words and opinions outside the sport. This year has had a far more peaceful tone for the fighter heading into UFC 167. He is coming off of a big win and is entering the initial throes of marriage to his lovely wife, Brittany Smith. 

The last year has featured a rather wonderful collection of moments peppered in for the UFC star. He has a book entitled The Voice of Reason: A V.I.P. Pass to Enlightenment that came out last year, and he took down Mauricio “Shogun” Rua in August’s UFC Fight Night. 

Sure, there have been the unbelievably unfortunate and imbecilic comments along the way, such as those thoughts uttered that Fox Sports eventually apologized for. (These sorts of things happen with a guy who runs his mouth as much as Sonnen.)

Still, the happiest moment must have been this past summer when Sonnen married his girlfriend, Smith. 

Cage Potato chronicled the relationship and marriage with some images as well as word that Sonnen sort of sprung the entire ceremony on his mother. 

While we can’t confirm the veracity of the comments at the Reddit posting, there are some who state Sonnen only told his mother about the big news as they were about to board a plane. 

We can only believe such a wild story because of the fighter featured in it. Thankfully, Smith made sure to chronicle a portion of the proceedings as well as some happy moments in her Twitter feed.


There is also the AXE video below that features Sonnen‘s explanation of how he met his beautiful wife. 

Sonnen understands persistence goes a long way. Though, we wouldn’t recommend using the same phone tactic he endorses, because something tells me this was the rare time such a brash move would work. 

Now the 36-year-old is set to carve another chapter in his career at UFC 167 on Nov. 16. If his wife is in the audience, he won’t have to worry about chasing her through two stories to grab a date. 

That’s a good thing, because their first encounter sounds exhausting. 

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Russian Spectator in the Stands Asked to Fight, Obliges with Knockout

In Russia, the fans fight. 
Stephen Douglas of The Big Lead spotted a video that serves as a great reminder never to judge a book by its cover—or, in this case, never to judge a potential MMA fighter by the jean shorts he might be weari…

In Russia, the fans fight. 

Stephen Douglas of The Big Lead spotted a video that serves as a great reminder never to judge a book by its cover—or, in this case, never to judge a potential MMA fighter by the jean shorts he might be wearing. 

While what’s going on in the video is apparent despite the language barrier, Middle Easy’s Zeus explains exactly what transpired as a fan gets picked from the stands to fight. 

According to the report, the site received an email explaining the video that started with the following: 

Hi this is one of the best fight on Arrows
One opponent not coming to fight and we ask people, who wont fight? 
One guy say i am wont, he is name Dmitry 
i write little text transcription for you

It might be a jumbled mess of a message, but from it, we gather that the fighter, Dmitry Dzubay, was not in the least bit unprepared to fight on this particular day. 

As we see in the video, this “fan” is rather adept at fighting and delivers a swift takedown the second the fight begins. Thanks to Middle Easy, there is a transcript of what is being said, which gives us some more vitals on this MMA maestro.

Dzubay is a student who does have a “little” training in wrestling, which explains his instincts to take this thing to the ground as quickly as possible. 

Unfortunately, we cannot verify the veracity of the tall tale, but it certainly seems like Dzubay was there just to watch some MMA mastery. 

Being the optimists that we are, we’d like to believe the young man was just having some fun after being granted the opportunity to test his mettle. Well, he passed the test with flying colors and should now enjoy the kind of Internet fame that comes from knocking a trained fighter out cold. 


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Just a Video of MMA Fighter Jinh Yu Breaking Her Hand on Darla Harris’ Face

Jinh Yu hit Darla Harris in the face so hard that she broke her hand. 
That’s not a joke, and it’s certainly not sports hyperbole to sell a point. No, she actually hurt herself by dominating so harshly and punching so vigorously. 
The video h…

Jinh Yu hit Darla Harris in the face so hard that she broke her hand. 

That’s not a joke, and it’s certainly not sports hyperbole to sell a point. No, she actually hurt herself by dominating so harshly and punching so vigorously. 

The video has been floating around the interwebz for a bit but was recently spotted by Stephen Douglas of The Big Lead (h/t For the Win’s Nick Schwartz) who posted it to their site. 

The face-altering punch comes from the Sugar Creek Showdown 18 match that saw Yu come away as the victor but not unscathed. 

The fighter took to Twitter to inform her fans just how brutal that hit really was. Here is the first tweet:

We presume some fans disregarded this tweet as far too remarkable to be true. If that’s the case, Yu followed up with a far more thorough post a couple of days later, showing off the gnarly fracture in her hand.

Then again, we may be missing the point in all this, because we failed to recognize the measured takedown of her opponent. 

Yu marvelously sets up the entire knockout with a left foot to the face, which seems to stun Harris for an ill-fated moment. 

It even looks like Harris is leaning ever so slightly into the punch when Yu drops the hammer. From there, the punch levels Harris and fractures Yu‘s hand. 

It was like a Dragonball Z kamehameha blast that devastated all in the immediate area. This amazing fighter hit her opponent so hard with one punch she needed medical treatment right after. 

Boom goes the dynamite, indeed. 


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