Xtreme Couture Wants Rashad Evans (VIDEO)

Xtreme Couture Head Grappling Coach, Neil Melanson tells us they [Xtreme Couture] are trying to get Rashad Evans to train at the gym. He feels his style of coaching is perfect for Evans and he could help him finish on the ground…no insult to Greg Jackson. Watch the interview below:

Watch Neil Melanson says Xtreme Couture […]

Xtreme Couture Head Grappling Coach, Neil Melanson tells us they [Xtreme Couture] are trying to get Rashad Evans to train at the gym. He feels his style of coaching is perfect for Evans and he could help him finish on the ground…no insult to Greg Jackson. Watch the interview below:

Watch Neil Melanson says Xtreme Couture wants Rashad Evans on RawVegas.tv