Alan Belcher’s Eye Injury Could Be Career Ending

Any regular reader here at Fix knows that generally speaking we act like jackasses on the site, belittling whatever or whomever is dominating MMA headlines, in a way that we hope is somewhat entertaining (no—you’re not the only one who’s saying ‘since when?’). Unfortunately there’s some news surfacing today that we certainly don’t want to […]


Any regular reader here at Fix knows that generally speaking we act like jackasses on the site, belittling whatever or whomever is dominating MMA headlines, in a way that we hope is somewhat entertaining (no—you’re not the only one who’s saying ‘since when?’). Unfortunately there’s some news surfacing today that we certainly don’t want to make light of, as according to an interview Alan Belcher gave Purefight recently, the bruising middleweight’s fighting career could be on the ropes.

Now, you likely heard that Belcher was forced to withdraw from his scheduled September 15th bout with Demian Maia, due to a detached retina he incurred while training. If that wasn’t sh-tty enough, it sounds like Belcher is likely in need of further surgery, which could ultimately determine if he can continue to fight. Speaking to Purefight about his serious predicament Belcher said (thanks to MMA Fighting for the quote):

“Worst case is I don’t get any better than this and I’m only working with one eye and then I probably don’t want to risk fighting again with only one eye, cause if I lose that one, then I’m going to be blind,” Belcher said. “So it’s just — I’m not even really thinking about fighting right now. I’m just going to wait a couple months and see where I’m at. It’s disappointing cause I was on a roll and getting close to a title [shot].”

Belcher also added that at according to his doctors, “it’s not going to get better to the same, but at best, it’s going to be something like 20/40, 20/60 vision,” and that laser surgery will probably required “to get rid of the distortedness.” Damn; here’s hoping for a speedy and full recovery.

Soares Not 100% Set on Sonnen vs. Silva II

Okay, not long after speculating that the discussion about Saturday’s ‘where were you when?’ Anderson Silva vs. Chael Sonnen tilt could quite possibly stretch into September, here’s another report to throw in the mix. Immediately following the memorable fight we jumped right on the rematch bandwagon, and by the looks of the internet, that thing […]

anderson-silva ed soares

Okay, not long after speculating that the discussion about Saturday’s ‘where were you when?’ Anderson Silva vs. Chael Sonnen tilt could quite possibly stretch into September, here’s another report to throw in the mix. Immediately following the memorable fight we jumped right on the rematch bandwagon, and by the looks of the internet, that thing is picking up more ‘hop-ons’ by the second. So let’s do it up right?

Well in an interesting report today from MMA Fighting’s Ben Fowlkes, Silva’s manager Ed Soares doesn’t exactly sound like he’s 100% sold on doing Silva vs. Sonnen II right away. While appearing on the MMA Hour with Ariel Helwani, Soares was reportedly quoted saying:

“The way I look at it is, Chael fought his fight. And Chael had Anderson on his back for twenty-two minutes of that fight. …The way I feel is that Chael had Anderson in the position he wanted him, and if he wasn’t able to finish Anderson in twenty-two minutes in the position you said you wanted him in, then, hey man, you had your shot. No offense, not saying you can’t get another shot, but you know what I mean?”

Now Soares did concede that “part” of him thinks it would “”make a lot of sense” to do a rematch; yes, one would think so (cue cash register dinging). In terms of Chael failing to finish Silva, and thus he’s had his “shot,” yeah (as in Bill Lumbergh from Office Space style), don’t think that’s going to fly with most people.

Matt Lindland Calls for Silva / Sonnen Rematch “in Short Order”

We’ve now moved into ‘Day Two’ of UFC 117 post-fight analysis, and due to the fact Anderson Silva kind of had his ass handed to him by Chael Sonnen before pulling off the near, last minute win, be prepared for what? Two; three weeks straight of endless coverage regarding this story? Guess when one considers that the […]


We’ve now moved into ‘Day Two’ of UFC 117 post-fight analysis, and due to the fact Anderson Silva kind of had his ass handed to him by Chael Sonnen before pulling off the near, last minute win, be prepared for what? Two; three weeks straight of endless coverage regarding this story? Guess when one considers that the vast majority of people didn’t expect Sonnen to even come close in this fight, much less dominate the champ for four rounds, people are going to talk about it and then some (kind of like Chael’s pre-fight ‘insights.’)

Of course people are already talking rematch, not just because Silva barely squeaked out of Oakland with the middleweight belt still in his possession, but the champ’s post fight revelation that he injured his ribs recently makes the case for a rematch that much more compelling. In an interesting interview with, Sonnen’s long time training partner and coach Matt Lindland had this to say, when asked about the prospect of Silva vs. Sonnen II.

“I hope so; I hope we see him right back in there with Anderson and that we will in short order. I don’t know what the UFC’s plans are for a rematch yet, or if he has to fight someone to get that rematch or whatever, but we’re willing to do whatever. Chael’s willing to take the rematch, to fight whoever he needs to fight to get one; it doesn’t matter.”

We agree. Lindland also talked about Sonnen being injured heading into the fight in the interview, as well as the now infamous ‘it wasn’t me’ Lance Armstrong incident. Check it out here.

Anderson Silva Credits “Minotauro” Nogueira for Submisison Win

If you heart is still racing after last night’s ‘I’ll never forget when’ bout between Anderson Silva and Chael Sonnen, you’re not alone (although if that sh-t doesn’t settle down within an hour or two…it’s probably time to head to the ER). Really, and be honest, after getting punished for 4 rounds did you really […]


If you heart is still racing after last night’s ‘I’ll never forget when’ bout between Anderson Silva and Chael Sonnen, you’re not alone (although if that sh-t doesn’t settle down within an hour or two…it’s probably time to head to the ER). Really, and be honest, after getting punished for 4 rounds did you really think Silva would pull off that Hail Mary triangle-choke?

At any rate, Silva fan or not, Sonnen enthusiast or hater, the bout will go down as a classic. Of course, due to the over the top pre-fight trash talk from Sonnen, fans were likely always going to recall the outcome. In fact, it’s probably on account of Sonnen’s verbal assault that most people were riding the edge of their seat from the opening bell.

At the post fight presser Sonnen offered a few good zingers about having a rematch with Silva, but things were relatively ‘civil’ in comparison to the pre-fight banter. Not surprisingly, Silva maintained that he holds nothing against Chael, despite taking verbal abuse from him the likes of which the sport has rarely seen. One interesting comment from Silva was in regards to finishing the fight by submission (thanks to MMA Fighting for the quote)

“I’ve been training jiu-jitsu for a long time,” said Silva through his manager/translator, Ed Soares. “Out of respect to [Antonio Rodrigo] Nogueira, I wanted to finish this fight via submission.”

Now maybe we’re just desperate to stir the pot here, but that couldn’t be a veiled comeback at Sonnen’s recent dismissal of Silva’s black belt under the Nogueiras could it? Something about a punching bag? Here’s hoping the rematch comes sooner than later.

Dana White Insists Anderson Silva Can’t Repeat UFC 112 Antics

If you think about it, and this is easy for us to say since Chael Sonnen hasn’t been belittling us, our friends and sense of fashion, Anderson Silva might want to thank his next opponent for his over the top trash talk. It’s probably fair to say that if not for Chael’s vicious verbal assault […]


If you think about it, and this is easy for us to say since Chael Sonnen hasn’t been belittling us, our friends and sense of fashion, Anderson Silva might want to thank his next opponent for his over the top trash talk. It’s probably fair to say that if not for Chael’s vicious verbal assault heading into UFC 117, maybe there still would be a ton of focus on Silva’s WTF? antics vs. Demian Maia. Of course, the post-fight discussion took on a new life following his awful UFC 112 showing, due to Dana White’s insistence that Silva would get canned if he ever acted that way again.

Now we’re not trying to say Silva’s performance against Maia and his subsequent issues with White (and a lot of fans) has completely dropped off the radar screen, but you have to admit, Sonnen’s zingers have certainly dominated the headlines. All this aside, however, White continues to insist that if Silva does in fact have the balls to repeat his UFC 112 actions, Mr. #1 P4P will be unemployed (thanks to MMA Junkie for the quote).

“It’s about acting like a lunatic,” White said. “If he ever goes out and acts like a nut, like he did [at UFC 112], yes, I would cut him.”

Somehow we’re thinking this isn’t going to be an issue come Saturday night—certain things have been said; now it’s go time. To bet on tomorrow’s ‘this should be sick’ card, head here.

Shinya Aoki Discusses the Need “to Destroy the Other Foot”

Seems like we’ve had a bit of theme going here lately,  in that every second post here on Fix, deals with guys who know how to ‘maximize’ their mic potential. Meaning, there are certain dudes in MMA with a rep for saying stuff that either incites laughter, anger, or both. That makes for good copy […]


Seems like we’ve had a bit of theme going here lately,  in that every second post here on Fix, deals with guys who know how to ‘maximize’ their mic potential. Meaning, there are certain dudes in MMA with a rep for saying stuff that either incites laughter, anger, or both. That makes for good copy folks. This post will journey beyond James Toney and Chael Sonnen (surprisingly), and over to Japan, to pass along some rather interesting comments from Dream Lightweight champ Shinya Aoki. As you probably know, Mr. Aoki isn’t just famous for his ‘holy sheet’ submissions, he’s also been know for saying / doing things that are…well, ‘colorful.’

In a recent interview with MMA Fighting Aoki discussed his recent tap-out victory over Tatsuya Kawajiri in some detail. Why did we choose the word ‘detail?’ Well check out some of what the submission wiz had to say, while discussing the Achilles Lock he used to seal the deal at Dream 15.

“I actually try to think of this last part of the joint as being non-existent. For example, you can’t move at all if your neck or your backbone is broken, right? But if I am attacking the elbow or the ankle, my opponent can still move. If I break that last remaining part of the joint in the foot and don’t get a tap, my opponent can still move with his other foot then I’d be in a difficult situation. I thought I might have needed to destroy the other foot too.”

All cringing aside…guess Shinya’s got a valid point no?