This is the jackpot, Potato Nation. It’s the most god-awful Martial Arts Fail we’ve ever seen.
Before you keep reading, watch the video. Our words can’t do it justice. It epitomizes the unfortunate but ever-present fraudulent side of martial arts. For every legitimate school teaching people how to defend themselves, there are 1,000 schools teaching the kind of complete crap in the video.
Did you watch it yet? Because you really need to.
The guy in the video is no martial artist. He’s a conman who calls himself Ashida Kim., a website dedicated to exposing martial arts fraud, performed an in-depth investigation on Kim, who’s real name is Radford W. Davis. In addition to peddling this deadly ninja master bullshit, Kim/Davis also mails out phony martial arts certifications. An investigator from Bullshido even managed to get a certificate saying he was a black belt in Vale Tudo from Kim/Davis.
Feeling like you wanna punch this guy yet? Well, he’s got a plan for that. It’s called the $10,000 Challenge, which includes such stipulations as posting a $25,000 “appearance bond” to make sure you don’t skip town as well as paying Kim $10,000 to show, and also footing the bill for his lodging and food. Nice.
Oh, and this guy also claims he can levitate:
Can it possibly get worse than this?
If you see any video that’s good (or bad) enough to make the cut, let us know! Send it to [email protected].