WTF of the Day: Upstream’s Web Chat with Rashad Evans goes live Too Early

Video streaming by Ustream
Aside from Upstream, props to

Truly great works of art often take multiple views to fully understand, and a few more to fully appreciate. In that way, this video is kind of like a forgotten masterpiece. Except that it’s absolutely nothing like art in any way, shape or form, and more like an argument I don’t fully understand.

From what I’ve managed to gather, Rampage Jackson isn’t the only light heavyweight in the UFC with snitching issues. Rashad Evans was apparently the only person on Earth to know about “fuckin’ Melissa”, and now people are butt hurt that everyone knows. For what it’s worth, my totally uninformed opinion is leading me to believe that Rashad is as guilty as former Executive Vice President of MusclePharm Leonard Amenta was (i.e. not at all). Come on, you tell only one person about Melissa and chose to pick Rashad Evans? But I digress. There’s a much needed break in the action at the 1:13 mark before the argument resumes at the 3:20 mark.

Video streaming by Ustream
Aside from Upstream, props to

Truly great works of art often take multiple views to fully understand, and a few more to fully appreciate. In that way, this video is kind of like a forgotten masterpiece. Except that it’s absolutely nothing like art in any way, shape or form, and more like an argument I don’t fully understand.

From what I’ve managed to gather, Rampage Jackson isn’t the only light heavyweight in the UFC with snitching issues. Rashad Evans was apparently the only person on Earth to know about “fuckin’ Melissa”, and now people are butt hurt that everyone knows. For what it’s worth, my totally uninformed opinion is leading me to believe that Rashad is as guilty as former Executive Vice President of MusclePharm Leonard Amenta was (i.e. not at all). Come on, you tell only one person about Melissa and chose to pick Rashad Evans? But I digress. There’s a much needed break in the action at the 1:13 mark before the argument resumes at the 3:20 mark.

Things get especially interesting when the assistant, Judy, is dragged into things at the 4:30 mark.  Like a true public relations professional, Judy managed to deliver the safest answers possible when asked for her comments. Part of me wants to feel bad for the poor girl, but part of me also wonders how she didn’t notice that they were live the entire time. For that matter, how did nobody from the UFC’s Digital Team, apparently watching the entire time, let them know that they were live? A simple “Hey ur live STFU!!!” text could have made things far less awkward.

If there’s one thing to actually take away from the video, it’s this inspirational tidbit at the 6:15 mark: “When you’re in love, you don’t just fuckin’ walk out the door. You fuckin’ sit down and you work that shit out!” How heartwarming. Now work that shit out, Rashad. And remember: Snitches get what they deserve.