UFC 116: Wanderlei Silva out, Chris Leben in Against Yoshihiro Akiyama

A major change occurred today to the UFC  116 card, which features the main event heavyweight championship bout between Brock Lesnar and Shane Carwin.
The co-main event for 116 was originally scheduled to be Wanderlei Silva versus Yoshihiro Aki…

A major change occurred today to the UFC  116 card, which features the main event heavyweight championship bout between Brock Lesnar and Shane Carwin.
The co-main event for 116 was originally scheduled to be Wanderlei Silva versus Yoshihiro Akiyama (13-1).
However, as Ariel Helwani of MMAFighting.com  first reported, Silva has been forced […]

UFC Betting

UFC 116: Wanderlei Silva out, Chris Leben in Against Yoshihiro Akiyama

Brock Lesnar Says Fedor Emelianenko Greatest “In His Own Little World”

Earlier today we posted some comments from Fedor Emelianenko, who recently passed along the news, that he doesn’t concern himself with what his detractors say (and judging by his less than enthusiastic and indifferent demeanour- is anyone surprised by this?) In addition to not signing with the UFC last year, “The Last Emperor’s” recent statements […]


Earlier today we posted some comments from Fedor Emelianenko, who recently passed along the news, that he doesn’t concern himself with what his detractors say (and judging by his less than enthusiastic and indifferent demeanour- is anyone surprised by this?) In addition to not signing with the UFC last year, “The Last Emperor’s” recent statements that he’s not a big fan of the MMA giant, of course, instantly kicked new life into the whole ‘what will be Fedor’s legacy’ debate. Is he still the world’s best heavyweight? Or does he need to throw down with the UFC’s top beasts like Shane Carwin, Cain Velasquez, or Brock Lesnar?

Well, speaking of the UFC Heavyweight Champion Lesnar, in a recent teleconference promoting his upcoming July 3rd bout with Carwin (MMA is a glorious thing), the former NCAA star tossed a few more criticisms Fedor’s way (that he’s free to ignore of course). When asked to comment on recent speculation that Fedor may in fact be looking to retire, sooner than later, (further dashing hopes that the Russian will ever step into the Octagon) Mr. Lesnar said this (thanks to MMA Weekly for the quote):

“Good for Fedor, I hope he does retire.” Lesnar commented. “He’s the greatest champion of all time. He’s the greatest champion ever, of all time, in his own little world. Good for him.”

Lesnar also reportedly said “absolutely” when asked if he thinks he could beat Mr. Emelianenko; no surprises there either. Too bad we’ll likely never find out for sure. To bet on Fedor’s next fight with Fabricio Werdum, or Carwin vs. Lesnar, head here.

Randy Couture Did Not Go To Minnesota To Coach UFC Champ Brock Lesnar.

Contrary to what some sources are reporting UFC Hall of Famer Randy “The Natural” Couture did not go to Minnesota to coach UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar. He did, as was obvious by the Youtube video we posted, go there to help the former WWE wrestler train for his upcoming bout against Shane Carwin. […]


Contrary to what some sources are reporting UFC Hall of Famer Randy “The Natural” Couture did not go to Minnesota to coach UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar. He did, as was obvious by the Youtube video we posted, go there to help the former WWE wrestler train for his upcoming bout against Shane Carwin. Confused? Here’s Couture’s take via Sherdog:

“I think the whole reason I went out there was to see what they’re doing in their camp, what their strength and conditioning is like, what kind of partners and situations is he putting himself in to face another wrestler in Carwin… It wasn’t about me going out there and training him or feeling like I’m going to contribute to helping him beat Carwin or any of that. None of that went on…Obviously, there was some technical adjustments that could be made, but I wasn’t there to be a coach. I was there to be a workout partner.”

In the article Couture also talks about Lesnar’s health, saying that the fighter is certainly 100 percent and that he may be more technically better than before. That’s not good news for Carwin, but this matchup should be great. The MMA News will carry live coverage of the July 3 UFC 116 with all the pre and post news you expect.

Video: James Toney Pretends to Call 911 to Report “Murder”

Remember when Frank Mir stated in a radio interview that he wanted to break Brock Lesnar’s neck, so that the heavyweight champ would “be the first person that dies due to Octagon-related injuries”? Well, if you’re an avid MMA fan / regular ‘internet browser’ and don’t remember that, immediately find an emergency room, as you should […]


Remember when Frank Mir stated in a radio interview that he wanted to break Brock Lesnar’s neck, so that the heavyweight champ would “be the first person that dies due to Octagon-related injuries”? Well, if you’re an avid MMA fan / regular ‘internet browser’ and don’t remember that, immediately find an emergency room, as you should recall that those comments prompted a firestorm of coverage.

Of course, at the time, there were some who pointed out that Mir’s comments weren’t really anything new to the sport, and approve of them or not, future similar statements were inevitable. Cue James Toney– now granted, in the video the boxing champ turned MMA fighter is clearly clowning around on some dude’s phone (and here’s hoping it still works after being drenched in sweat…), but here too, the charismatic fighter states that he plans on “murdering” UFC 118 opponent Randy Couture (he also threatens David Haye– who he’s boxing in October). Toney adds that “he’ll murder two people in three months and get away with it, and get paid for it; a lot of money.”

So, is this cause to lose one’s mind with righteous anger, at the audacity of Toney stating he’s going to “murder” people in the ring / cage? Or is it just the crazy, over-the-top, pre-fight antics of a fighter trying to hype a PPV bout? So whatever- let’s move on? We’re expecting both reactions.

To see the entire vid head here.

Watch Mirko Cro Cop Spit Someone To Death?

Not to many people know that Mirko Cro Cop Filipovic is also an action star, or that he has super powers, but the truth must come out. There’s no definitive proof that the Cop has super powered spit, but it certainly seems like he’s got some serious powers. See for yourself, and wonder […]

Not to many people know that Mirko Cro Cop Filipovic is also an action star, or that he has super powers, but the truth must come out. There’s no definitive proof that the Cop has super powered spit, but it certainly seems like he’s got some serious powers. See for yourself, and wonder who has enough money to put these kinds of films on the market.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Fedor Emelianenko Not Interested in What Critics Say

Just days away from this Saturday’s Strikeforce tilt between Fedor Emelianenko and Fabricio Werdum, the customary round of pre-fight interviews with the competitors, has once again left the internet littered with more tonnage of ‘what does the future hold for Fedor?’ Granted, it’s nowhere near the amount of coverage Fedor was receiving when he was […]


Just days away from this Saturday’s Strikeforce tilt between Fedor Emelianenko and Fabricio Werdum, the customary round of pre-fight interviews with the competitors, has once again left the internet littered with more tonnage of ‘what does the future hold for Fedor?’ Granted, it’s nowhere near the amount of coverage Fedor was receiving when he was a free agent last year, when countless keyboards were turned into dust due to overuse.

If Emelianenko wins Saturday then all signs (and we say this with a heavy bias hoping it will happen) point to “The Last Emperor” meeting Strikeforce Heavyweight Champion Alistair Overeem. After that, and depending on the result, who knows what Fedor and his management will do next. Fedor’s decision not to sign with the UFC last year, sparked a lot of criticism from certain circles (like a certain outspoken UFC executive whose last name rhymes with Night), who maintain that the former Pride champion is no longer interested in fighting MMA’s cream of the crop (sorry-we tried to think of some reference utilizing borsch). So what does Fedor think of his critics (thanks to MMA Weekly for the quotes)?

“As far as my reaction, I don’t have any reaction,” Emelianenko stated. “I don’t really have reactions to any compliments people tell me, nor criticism. It’s not something that’s that important to me. I have more important goals in my life than seeking out the Internet to see what people are saying about me.”

So there you have it; who’s willing to put money down on Fedor signing with the UFC now? To bet on this Saturday’s bout head here.