5 UFC Fighters with Nothing Left in the Tank

The road traveled in mixed martial arts is one full of steep curves, pesky potholes and oncoming traffic.
Veterans of the game know what to look for when traversing such tumultuous terrain, but even they have trouble avoiding flat tires and overheated …

The road traveled in mixed martial arts is one full of steep curves, pesky potholes and oncoming traffic.

Veterans of the game know what to look for when traversing such tumultuous terrain, but even they have trouble avoiding flat tires and overheated engines.

Each year we witness new model athletes take to the golden road and bump old trailblazers into the medium on their way to the top.

Early exits are often taken, and the aging metal that once ruled the raceway falls victim to the sport’s unforgiving chopping block, thus making them future junkyard casualties.

In accordance with these “classics,” here are five fighters currently competing in the UFC who presumably having nothing left in their tanks.

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