5 Worst Referee Stoppages in UFC History

No MMA fan wants to see a fighter injured or worse because a referee waited too long to stop a fight. On the other hand, too much hard work and money goes into a fight for one to be stopped too soon. In the end, having one of the toughest jobs in sport…

No MMA fan wants to see a fighter injured or worse because a referee waited too long to stop a fight. On the other hand, too much hard work and money goes into a fight for one to be stopped too soon.

In the end, having one of the toughest jobs in sports, referees are human and simply make awful mistakes sometimes. Unfortunately, while they are much safer for the fighters that late stoppages, early halts have a much bigger impact on an official’s reputation because they affect the outcome of fights.

As you read through the five worst stoppage in UFC history, keep in mind that these referees had the best interests of the fighters in mind when they made their unfortunate decisions.

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