9 UFC Fighters on the Cusp of Breaking Out

Fighters break out all the time.
Sometimes, they pan out; other times, they come up short.
But whatever the outcome may be, the process of breaking out is not one full of sunshine and sugarplums.
It is a tough road traveled—one that may very well…

Fighters break out all the time.

Sometimes, they pan out; other times, they come up short.

But whatever the outcome may be, the process of breaking out is not one full of sunshine and sugarplums.

It is a tough road traveled—one that may very well push a fighter to the absolute brink.

In order for a fighter to escape mediocrity and reap the benefits of full-blown mixed martial arts stardom, he must meet a variety of requirements, including skill, finishing ability, marketability and appetite for success.

Once those fall into place, the rest is history.

Here are nine fighters on the cusp of reaching their potential and busting out onto the forefront of their respective divisions.

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