B/R MMA Official Heavyweight Rankings for December

Bleacher Report MMA now brings you our official rankings for the month of December.With big heavyweight fights coming up with names like Brock Lesnar and Alistair Overeem, the heavyweight division will be busy for the next month.We last saw the UFC hea…

Bleacher Report MMA now brings you our official rankings for the month of December.

With big heavyweight fights coming up with names like Brock Lesnar and Alistair Overeem, the heavyweight division will be busy for the next month.

We last saw the UFC heavyweight title on the line in November with the UFC’s first foray onto national television with UFC on Fox 1.

Now the UFC heavyweight title has once again changed hands and brought a new champion, Junior dos Santos, to the top of many lists.

Who graces Bleacher Report’s top 10 here?

These rankings are the combined effort of some of Bleacher Report MMA’s best writers, as we continue to try and provide you with the best content on the web.

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